What do I enjoy?

My therapist has asked me several times about things I enjoy, and trying to incorporate things that are fun and relaxing, but I can't think of things. I know what I used to like, but nothing appeals to me anymore. I'm supposedly getting better, but I feel so apathetic. I hate my life and don't even really know why. I have no desire to be with friends or family. I don't want to be. What do I do?
I here you. I know what I enjoy but after the activity it done the void is back quick. Change happens by changing what you do over a period of time not just for the day. I struggle immensely with this as well. I suggest asking your self what is true in your thoughts when you can identify the lies it helps a bit


Well-Known Member
Hm this sounds like a mystery to get solved. Like there's something you will enjoy you just don't know it yet. Sometimes my old hobbies don't interest me anymore, and sometimes they would but I'm too depressed to connect with them.

You sound like me at the moment, so my suggestions may be out of reach - I am having trouble forcing myself to do anything but at other times when I still managed to find some willpower I would do things like the following:

I sometimes sign up for an evening class - I've tried pottery, life-drawing, boxing, modern dance... All of them started out with my having to drag myself to them and after a few weeks I looked forward to them. You don't have to know that you like something already to try it.

You could also go to your local library and look thru the craft section, the art section, the DIY section... See if anything catches your eye.

What about shifting some things around at home, changing up the placement of your furniture - that might make you realize you want to make some creative changes as well.

And one thing that sounds silly but can really work is putting on some fun music and forcing yourself to jump, dance, shake your head, shake your arms, just flail about trying to shake some silliness into your body. For me it can help remind me that - here I am and I'm alive. Usually ends up making me laugh and maybe you can find someone else to join in.


Staff Alumni
I think Rebreb has some great ideas. I know when I get depressed, I tend to isolate, which is absolutely the worst thing for me. Since I am aware of this, I know I have to force myself to do things at times. I often find I am enjoying myself when I thought I would not. If you don't want to be around anyone, how about just taking a nice walk someplace? Maybe find somewhere you might find peaceful? There's been many studies which show exercise helps with depression. Perhaps you could join a gym. They usually have classes too, besides the equipment and weights. On the other side of the relaxing coin, what about doing something nice for yourself, like a manicure? Or maybe something as simple as a hot bath with candles and some music you like playing? I know you said you don't want to be around anyone. But maybe, if you arranged a lunch or a walk with a friend, you might be like me, and find out you are having a good time, even when you thought you wouldn't. Might be worth a try....

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