What have you been eating today? (Daily diet thread)

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Well-Known Member
For lunch had a small handful of spaghetti with vegetables mixed in and an oil/garlic sauce on it. Dinner was a cup of rice with chili on the top of it. Ice tea for both meals. Starving right now!
angry at myself. ate a crunchie bar and a freaking tuna mayo panini! it was were and melty and my tongue lapped it up and i chewed and it tasted fantastic. but now i can feel it sitting in my stomach.
i disgust myself.


Well-Known Member
A few spoonfuls of cottage cheese
Apple Juice
Turkey & cheese sandwich (didn't even eat much of it...quality wasn't so great)
Chobani Yogurt (blueberry)
Chocolate Milk


Well-Known Member
Finally stocked up on liquid nutrition, it's all I consume on a daily basis (250 calories once a day) including multi-vitamins, water and green tea. I've shrunk to a size zero. If I kill myself by 'accident', so be it.

morning rush

Well-Known Member
had a bowl of cereal with vanilla almond milk. Had some pretzels and about two portions of brocoli. for supper I had 4 mini pizzas I made with hamburger buns, tomator paste and fake cheese. Not hungry for anything else...and I had like 3 cans of soda...:( really not proud of myself today...


Well-Known Member
marmite on toast.
bag of chilli crisps (which i really shouldn't have had because i was doing quite well)

a chocolate bar

and just about to eat my dinner.. which is southern fried chicken mmm


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Wholemeal toast with baked beans.
Fibre one chocolate fudge brownies.
Wholemeal mexican rice.
2 bananas.
mushroom chicken kievs
4 muller light yogurts (i know too much but i was hungry)


Loves SF
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8 Pork and Beef meatballs in a home made tomato and red pepper sauce with maybe a half table spoon of rice.
A Baked potato with low fat cheddar and flora light
1 Alpen light bar (70 cals)

I am aware this is not enough food for a day. But I will get back to normal tomorrow with work hopefully.


Safety and Support
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I suffer from a few different eating disorders... it would probably be wise to keep a food diary...
My 'main' ED is Binge eating, but other times I'll starve myself for a while, be bulimic (though I count that more among my selfharming)... I never really just eat normally.

Also, I struggle to afford food currently... so my choices are also limited.

Breakfast: 2 slices of 'naked' wholegrain bread
Cup of coffee,
and a little piece of chocolate.

Lunch: 2 slices of toast with thin layer of cream cheese
1 can of energy drink (because I wanted to write today, and it helps me think)

Tea time: another small piece of chocolate with a glass of water

Dinner: white rice and pork meatballs in creamy curry sauce (leftovers from visiting my mum).

The last week I only ate naked bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner...


River Lea by Adele
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Black eyed peas in a sauce with rice
Cheese and sweetcorn toastie

First time I've eaten two meals this week. I think I'll be able to eat properly again now, my flu is finally gone.
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