What's the one thing that made you smile today ?

Road to Nowhere

SF Supporter
We wear construction vests where I work, I have one of the only remaining vest with big pockets room for gloves, pen and note pad. I asked my boss if we could order more, said were all out they are discontinued. She had one personally hanging in her office, she took it down and gave it to me. It made my day, also made me smile.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Friend: Can’t she just pick one? She never finishes anything...
Therapist: No no, if she enjoys that many and those stuffs relaxes her, it is fine. She can pick one and make others as her relaxing hobbies.

Kitty still loves colours and many other things too 😺 34F09363-7C11-44E3-9678-A27C036AA191.jpeg
watching my cats sleep

how innocent they look
these furry devil babies peacefully sleeping with their tiny faces squished against the pillows as they enjoy the breeze and sunlight from the window

i wanna kiss and squish them, cats are too darn adorable for their own sake, they must be hugged and protected at all times

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