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What's the one thing that made you smile today ?


Works during the day, doodles at night.
happy. the wound on my right palm is healing from car accident, I thought my right leg would heal faster. guess when my hand heals first, I can focus on water therapy for knee and joints. thanks to my parents for taking care of me two weeks. Ha haha sorry for giving you the scare.

I just worry abit. After I black out, even if I regain conscious, I feel super tired.
I’m watching an old movie with JL and Clooney called Out of Sight. A scene in it shows my grandparents’ hotel in Miami Beach, The sign outside (The Adams), the entryway, stairway, elevator, and some hallways. Amazing. I played in this lobby and everywhere else for years as a child and teen. I’m in a bit of shock. Some of my past history on film. Think of the odds of this happening. I’m not even interested in seeing the rest of the film at the moment, sidetracked by memories☺️
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I don’t know if this counts, as it’s more of a good luck event, but I was out running errands today, and I noticed a cop at the next intersection. I looked at my speedometer. It reads 65; the speed limit is 35. I hit my brakes and I was down to 35 by the time I entered the intersection (light was green for my direction). I hardly think the cop didn’t notice, but s/he must have been busy because I didn’t get pulled over. Thanks, universe.
I have been trying to control my speeding, but it’s hard because I have a car that feels like it wants to go fast. I also have overly quick reflexes (I think) because I get a lot of feedback to that effect. Which makes it hard for me to go the speed limit; I get so bored that I start to fall asleep at the wheel.

I could at least try to keep it less than 10 over, and I do. I just forget sometimes. FWIW, it was early Sunday morning and the traffic was about as light as it could be. If there were other cars around, I would not have gotten that fast, because I gauge my speed against others on the road. Not any excuse but I do recognize my speeding is a problem and I’m doing something to mitigate it.

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