First off my intention is not to offend any parents here. I just want to understand why would anyone want to have a child ? Knowing how terrible and how hopeless this world is and knowing it's just going to get worse, I can't understand why someone would do that. Are they concerned about the future of the child at all? They have to suffer going through school. They have to suffer going through college and finding out the hard way it doesn't help you get a decent job. They have to suffer a 40+ hour job that sucks the life out of them and not even make enough money to do jack shit. I love my mother and father to death. But part of me hates them for bringing me into this world. I had a conversation with my mother earlier. At one point in the conversation my mother said "So you want to just give up and die?" I said "No I just wish I was never born." And then she said "Trust me. If I knew that 30 years ago, I wouldn't have done it." I was very confused. I wasn't sure if I should say "Thank you" because maybe now she understands how I feel. Or if I should say "I'm sorry" because I hurt her in someway. I don't know. Everything about life doesn't make sense. I hope someone can answer my question in a way that makes sense. I would like either an explanation or a genuine apology from my parents for bringing me into this world. I'm pretty sure that second thing isn't going to happen. I hope at least the first one does.