Why is suicide bad?

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Well-Known Member
You need to be more clear about what you mean by 'bad'.

For example, is the question 'what are the arguments against permitting suicide?' or 'do you think suicide is inherently wrong' etc.

Like I could believe suicide is 'bad' in the sense that I don't think people should do it but I may not think it is 'bad' in that people be given the right to end their own life.

Here are some arguments those that will vary in their applicability depending on what your question is:

- Human life has some inherent/higher value and therefore the taking of that life in all its form must be condemned. Most modern Western Civilized nations (except for the USA who are backwards on a lot of issues) have removed the death penalty as a criminal punishment because we appreciate this point. This can be grounded in moral or religious beliefs. Either way, the argument goes that human life is so important that the destruction of a human life can never be a 'good' thing. Not saying I agree with any of these just giving you the arguments.

well said...

- No human of sound mind can ever truly want to end their life. As a species we have the desire to survive built into our genes, into our minds through evolution. The survival instinct is very strong. Therefore, the decision to end ones own life can only come from someone who is mentally unfit to make such a monumental decision.

however i do disagree with this.. there are people who are of sound mind who choose this for spiritual reasons and also some with terminal illnesses choose suicide, an informed choice so not to go through major suffering.

Its sort of circular reasoning, you can't choose to end your life because your not mentally fit to make that decision and your not mentally fit because you want to end your life. But that is one reason for not allowing suicide that relies on medical competence rather than religion/morals

- And the third reason is the one already brought up. The often quoted and often contested/doubted (on SF) idiom, that 'suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem'. There is no going back, no changing things and 'perhaps' your problems could be fixed with time.
and i think number 3 is the main one for me. the not knowing what could've changef if i had stuck around...

worlds edge

Well-Known Member
- Human life has some inherent/higher value and therefore the taking of that life in all its form must be condemned.
This argument fails, in the sense that it presumes one human can know the heart of another better than they know it themselves.

Most modern Western Civilized nations (except for the USA who are backwards on a lot of issues) have removed the death penalty as a criminal punishment because we appreciate this point.
But most of these western nations are also far more willing to accommodate both late-term abortion and euthanasia than any jurisdiction in the United States is. Besides, confining the discussion to a prohibition on capital punishment for murderers, it leads to the curious conclusion (at least on a theoretical level), that the life of the murderer is of greater value than that of the murdered. After all, the murderer is still living and breathing and the murdered is dead. I say this with the reasonable presumption that the state has a monopoly on the legal use of force against its citizens, and that any justice for the murdered can only come via representatives of this state.

This can be grounded in moral or religious beliefs. Either way, the argument goes that human life is so important that the destruction of a human life can never be a 'good' thing. Not saying I agree with any of these just giving you the arguments.
So this conclusion does not follow, relative to your claim on the death penalty and other countries outside the US.

- No human of sound mind can ever truly want to end their life. As a species we have the desire to survive built into our genes, into our minds through evolution. The survival instinct is very strong. Therefore, the decision to end ones own life can only come from someone who is mentally unfit to make such a monumental decision.

Its sort of circular reasoning, you can't choose to end your life because your not mentally fit to make that decision and your not mentally fit because you want to end your life.
Agreed, and it can therefore be disregarded as irrational, or at any rate illogical.

But that is one reason for not allowing suicide that relies on medical competence rather than religion/morals
Actually, it doesn't rely on medical competence. It is simply the morals or religious beliefs of the physicians driving the judging vis a vis "competence" rather than those of priests, witch doctors or whomever. As in the USSR, when dissidents were sentenced to mental hospitals by psychiatrists for denying that they were living in a socialist paradise.

- And the third reason is the one already brought up. The often quoted and often contested/doubted (on SF) idiom, that 'suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem'. There is no going back, no changing things and 'perhaps' your problems could be fixed with time.
I sort of agree with this one, actually, in the sense that I don't think anyone should precipitately commit suicide, but only after a long period (at least a year from making a conscious decision) of thought before taking the step.


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
It isn't bad.
It will be called bad because the effect you may leave on other people or that "life isn't supposed to be ended by your own hand" or stupid things like that.
It will be said that it is selfish because of how others are affected, yet in many groups that I've been in in the hospital and partial hospital programs they tell you that you are not responsible for others reactions to what you do and say, you are only responsible for yourself. So how can suicide be selfish?

It is bad according to society's standards, yet there are no actions which are inherently good or bad in themselves, only judgements people place on them for whatever reasons (usually not good ones).

Besides, when we hear about someone committing suicide, do we say, how selfish? That person was bad. That person was wrong. Especially if they are close to us? No! We say, I hope they are at peace now.

While it isn't bad, it may not be in your best interest to commit suicide. I figure that I came here for one reason another, or am here for no reason at all, and suicide might only lead me further into my own hell. Or maybe it would be a wonderful heavenly experience I don't know. But a wish for death is usually a cover for many feelings yet unexpressed and your life could be something wonderful if you choose to stay, which I hope you do. You're wonderful to have here :hug:
that's kinda strange since this is a forum aimed at stopping suicides, I would think there are alot of people who thinks suicide is bad. :anyone:
You can't stop suicide. It will eventually takes it course on those those destined to do it.

People born so disadvantaged aren't going to listen to anyone.

And the weak selfish brats who think their life is so terrible because their parents "stole" their "weed" or wouldn't let them take the Lamborghini out on their prom night are too weak and disgusting to give a **** about anyway.


Well-Known Member
Suicide is too general for most any debating standard.

Why is it done?
Where is it done?
How is it done?
Who is affected by it?

All these questions can change the "good" or "bad" response a lot. For example:

Cutting your head off with a hacksaw in front of school children because you don't like the colour of your hair.

Is different than...

Jumping off a cliff in a secluded part of the country because your family is dead and you have a terminal illness anyway.

See what I did there?
Suicide is too general for most any debating standard.

Why is it done?
Where is it done?
How is it done?
Who is affected by it?

All these questions can change the "good" or "bad" response a lot. For example:

Cutting your head off with a hacksaw in front of school children because you don't like the colour of your hair.

Is different than...

Jumping off a cliff in a secluded part of the country because your family is dead and you have a terminal illness anyway.

See what I did there?
1st example = my latter.

2nd example = my former.
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