would a failed relationship ..


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I don't think it's stupid...I felt that way after the guy I was last with dumped me. Well, he didn't actually dump me, he left without as much as a word, and cut off any form of contact I could have had with him. I felt really blindsided because I wasn't aware there was anything wrong with the relationship---things were fine on my end, and if there was something he was unsatisfied with, he sure didn't let me know. I've been heartbroken by everyone and I wonder if it's worth it to go on...but I think it is. The tides could turn at any time and you could meet the love of your life. So please, don't give up because of this.


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It's not stupid, it's.... irrational, getting over heartbreak can be hard but it passes either by finding someone new or finding things that keep you so busy you end up forgetting about it, for some lucky enough it passes with time. There are many ways to get over it, you just need to find a way that's best for you, I'll be honest, don't rely on waiting for it to pass because it can take a long time.


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It is irrational. Although painful, the heartache from a failed relationship eventually heals. It can and does take a long time, it depends on various factors. but you won't feel that heartache forever, time is a healer and eventually you will find someone new.

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