Would like to hear from people who have had depression for years please?

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Well-Known Member
hi, ive had depression for 17 years. im now 43. its so sad i think. i thought i had some much love to give in my profession, im a nursery nurse but not worked properly in all this time.

i couldnt cope with the stress in life and everything but one day i will feel better and work again- i hope. xx


Well-Known Member
I was diagnosed as depressed when I was 15 and I'm 53 now. I know I was depressed way before then.

Youth allowed me to roll up my sleeve and get in there and fight for a long time. Life threw me odd, bizarre stuff, and I'm now a very broken person.

I tried hard to live like a normal person. I did a lot of things right. Depression doesn't care who we are or how hard we try. It's a disease and it needs treatment. I have to be real about what I can and cannot do. When I'm not real about it, depression reminds me.

Depression has embarrassed me many times. The "World At Large" does not understand and does not care. So many factors come together and I feel worse.

I embrace the good things in my life whenever I can because depression does its part to keep me from feeling the good things.

Wow, all kinds of stuff is coming out of me right now. I'm depressed today and have been for several days now. I'm so angry about it. I feel like a zombie. I hate it.
I can't do it to my mother. I'm not even close to anyone, still I think how she would take it and it stops me.

I'll be honest everyday is mental torture. I'm so bored and lonely, absolutely nothing to do with myself all day and evening. I wish I could tell you there is a light but I just don't see it.


Well-Known Member
I've been dealing with depression since I was 10 or 11, I think, almost half my life. I'm now 18 and doing much better... Even though I'm feeling low today, I still have my ups and downs. I'm now getting used to dealing with the feelings without medication... I was on antidepressants and antipsychotics for years.

I want to put all these years of suffering to use, to help others understand that there is a way out of the deepest depression.
I'm 26 and I was diagnosed with depression when I was 21, although like many others looking back I can see that it was around for a long time before that. I have had a few relationships and all of them seem to come to a close after about a year and a half. I tend to push them away as I don't see much in myself and feel I drag them down or use them as a way to not deal with my problems.
I'm not currently working but have been trying to finish uni for many years, I have taken breaks and tried to struggle through. I also suffer from social anxiety and well anxiety in general, sometimes I have panic attacks trying to leave my room. But I'm trying to work through it, I'm seeing a counselor and doing my best to get better, although atm it feels things are getting worse. There have been times when I thought I got past it, but things happen that drag you back down.
I often feel like a contradiction as when I'm pushing people away the most, is when I want someone to hold me and be there. But I believe there will be light at the end of the tunnel, in general I'm a good person and I hold onto the hope that the future will be better. It may not be soon but I will get there.
Society may not understand us, and tell us to pull ourselves together, but here there are people that care and understand. We know it's not that easy, thats why we support eachother.
As for what keeps me going, a few things I guess, a kind gesture unexpected, the hope I will get better and have a family of my own, and the support from friends on here. :hug:


Well-Known Member
unbearable depression almost entire life. flunked school because of it. decades of hospitalizations and therapists. have tried 40 meds. every day is unbearable. now waiting a year for disability hearing. worst is can't find anyone on web to relate to. there used to be a disorder called depressive personality disorder, and i believe i have it. every moment is torture. think of suicide every day, but need energy and worried about humiliation of failure and being found.
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