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Jess, take a break, take a breather. write, take pics, scream if you have to. You can't keep everything so stuffed down inside. It's not healthy. Your family needs to lay off and let you work on yourself instead of making it worse on you. Your issues won't go away until you get to the root of them and try to resolve them. I know that's easier said then done but it's worth trying. :hug:


Well-Known Member
I don't think the meds are working, honestly. And it's not rude. I told my mom that I don't think they are working, and my mom was like, "well, we think they're working, so you're going to keep taking them."

talk to your doc jess. your mom shouldn't have a say with what you are taking especially if you feel they aren't working. your mom's not on them, your mom is not in control of your body and how you react to them. I know that you are still considered a minor which sucks, but if you speak to your doctor he/she should be able to help


Well-Known Member
My mom is on them, actually. :laugh: But yeah..I can't make an appointment without my health card, and my mom keeps that, so, she does have a say basically..
shouldn't your doc have your medical info already since you've been more than once. people's bodies react differently to meds. No person reacts exactly the same. Just b/c they work for her does not mean they will work for you. Your mom seems to be very close minded. You should call your doc anyway and see what she says.
Its not that bad... I am sure alot of members may have already ended their lives if it wasnt for this forum, and the community in it.
But some people do get overlooked, ignored and they feel like what's the point if no one talks to them or wants to help them or even try to help them. People do get overlooked and ignored here, lately more so than before.

:hug: you know how i feel about all of this!!
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