i can bet yall have that one perfect personality that you adore...it maybe someone with a lot of self confidence..or maybe someone who keeps cool in crisis..all these virtues...that you someday want to see in yourself..the person you want to become as you grow ....
tell me..whats your dream personality?
heres mine in a short para :::
I see myself as a tall woman clad in an elegant saree walking the streets with my head held high..i want her to face life with boldness and the world with courage.she has a personality that commands respect.
I want to her to have principles and an intelligent understanding of the world and its people.
I want her to not get swayed by the torrents of life but commandeer the waves with her wisdom.i want her to look beyond material pleasures at the things that actually matter.
I want her to be kind but firm. well read and brimming with knowledge.she will have the piercing eyes of the wise Athena and the spirit of a huntress like that of the maiden artemis.
I will be a walking art..reverberating depth and culture.i will be the pride of my parents with my honesty and integrity.i will be fearless and loyal and beautiful and loved….
tell me..whats your dream personality?
heres mine in a short para :::
I see myself as a tall woman clad in an elegant saree walking the streets with my head held high..i want her to face life with boldness and the world with courage.she has a personality that commands respect.
I want to her to have principles and an intelligent understanding of the world and its people.
I want her to not get swayed by the torrents of life but commandeer the waves with her wisdom.i want her to look beyond material pleasures at the things that actually matter.
I want her to be kind but firm. well read and brimming with knowledge.she will have the piercing eyes of the wise Athena and the spirit of a huntress like that of the maiden artemis.
I will be a walking art..reverberating depth and culture.i will be the pride of my parents with my honesty and integrity.i will be fearless and loyal and beautiful and loved….