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  1. Livelife

    World Chocolate Day

    A short lightweight topic.... What's your favorite, how much do you need to survive, any particular brand at the top of the list, particular way to indulge with it, can you completely do without it...... Some one please post pictures as I don't know how and tag too*hug @SillyOldBear @1964dodge...
  2. Livelife

    National Hamburger Day

    Happy National Hamburger Day!🍔 🍟🍔 Well hello all:) I thought I'd open the Cafe door this morning. Come on in, grab your drink and set a spell. Hanging out, eating, maybe napping is today's theme and please share your favorite burger(s). Tagging help would be appreciated🫶🏼. Enjoy the company and...
  3. Lane

    Jim's Cafe Wed. Dec. 23, 2020

    Hi to all terrific SF members. I always wonder what kind of questions you all may like, so I google the National Holiday if what day it is and today is National Adoption Day, I thought that was pretty cool. There are many children in need but I also though about the moms n dads here that have...
  4. Kiwi2016

    Jim's Cafe Wednesday April 3, 2019

    Good morning , afternoon, evening everyone...saw the cafe was dark when came in looking for morning coffee so thought would open it up and get some coffee going... and also stopped at the bakery so got some pastries...as all were eaten yesterday... and in honor of Vitamin C day brought some...
  5. Yellowmellow

    Friday 18 Jan 2019

    Guess what it’s Friday people!!! And I actually got the day right lol*dunno*dance1*dance2 So....... Let’s have a party people...
  6. Yellowmellow

    Jim's Cafe - Officially Friday!!11-01-19!!

    Am opening with a song I love and which carries me through the most can’t days Happy Thursday all Theme is today I’m doing it! Whatever it is, all you need to do is take the first step!