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jims cafe

  1. Dante

    Tag Limits

    There seems to currently be a tag limit of 8 per post (although that seems to vary) before the tags simply dont work, though I have been tagged in a post with only about 4 tags there and I didn't receive any notification. It makes inviting all the regulars of Jim's Cafe very difficult. So far I...
  2. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 8th January 2021

    Well folks, I noticed no one has posted one of these in several days, so I'm afraid you all now have to suffer the consequences for this lapse and receive Jim's Cafe DANTE version! Of course I will try to follow the format, first, some fun facts. 1) Did you know that Brigadier Sir Nils Olav...
  3. WatchingPlanesFlyBy

    Jim's Cafe Wednesday April 26 2017

    Goooooooood afternoon darling patrons, the cafe is open! Today we're having....drum roll please :eek: Pho! Yummy delicious fills you right up Vietnamese soup! There's the traditional beef MMMMM Doesn't that look delicious? We also have a veggie option with tofu. YUM! Today's Challenge...
  4. WatchingPlanesFlyBy

    Jim's Cafe Monday March 6th 2017

    Well it's here at last. It's your favorite day of the week! To kick this week off, I'm brewing up some extra strong coffee and espressos for anyone interested. We also have some delicious black teas for us tea snobs :rolleyes: And for the first time I've made a full English Breakfast so...
  5. WatchingPlanesFlyBy

    Jim's Cafe Thursday March 2nd 2017

    Good afternoon/morning/evening all you wonderful folk! The cafe is open! I was having a cruddy morning but I'm feeling better so I made some delicious Japanese Curry (no seriously I did, it's bubbling on the stove right now) For the cafe I have made several variations: beef, seafood and...