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  1. Dante

    Jim's Cafe - 21st Feb 2021

    Welcome once again to Jim's Cafe! I know I usually leave it until there hasnt been a cafe for a while and then I scold you all for letting it happen *sf_wink but this time I kinda felt like putting something up. This isnt going to be my usual "maximum effort" attempt with multiple tables...
  2. Dante

    The Statistical Loser

    I'm not sure if I have mentioned this on the forum before (I have been around for a while) but this is something I came up with a while back to explain my life, of course I was very depressed at the time so I understand now that it doesn't describe MY life as a whole, but it is a useful concept...
  3. Mayarian

    Different New Year Feelings

    I just realized Its already 2019. This morning I made mistakes thrice bcs I wrote 2018 on today's log. I mean I know its already 2019, but it feels like stuck and I dont feel exicited at all. I did go out at 31 Dec with friends, laugh and talking all day and cheering up my bestie but spent the...