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Jim's Cafe - 21st Feb 2021

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SF Pro
SF Supporter
Welcome once again to Jim's Cafe! I know I usually leave it until there hasnt been a cafe for a while and then I scold you all for letting it happen *sf_wink but this time I kinda felt like putting something up. This isnt going to be my usual "maximum effort" attempt with multiple tables, especially since, well, the "today we are celebrating..." list is kinda weak for the 21st, mainly whales, nest boxes and various bread products, so today Im just going to have the 1 table, and you can all participate.

1) The pain of rejection is REAL, brain scans have shown people who have been rejected socially show the same patterns of brain activity to those experiencing physical pain, so dont let anyone tell you you aren't hurting.
2) It takes time for the brain to develop empathy, so before a certain age we are all testable sociopaths
3) We make most of our decisions unconsciously and justify them afterwards, this has been tested by people being asked to justify their answers to a questionnaire and being given a questionnaire with different answers to the ones they filled out, and they go right ahead and argue for those answers without thinking about it.
4) Memories are seriously unreliable, they degrade over time and our minds are constantly filling in the gaps by simply making it up, this mechanism is so strong that if you are suitably convinced that an event happened which didn't actually happen, your mind will often MAKE a memory from scratch to fit. (This makes witness testimony hilariously unreliable too)

Yes, today we are having some exciting activities that I expect you ALL to participate in.
1) Pick someone on SF (Try not to pick someone who someone else picked) Tag them and say something good about them, not just "oh your great" something specifically about them.
2) Look at yourself and do the same thing, say something great to yourself and mean it, because you deserve it. (You do deserve it, no arguing).
3) If you're like me and stick to the "Latest Posts" section of the forum all too much, go exploring, find a corner of the forum you never visited before and see if there is anything that is worth posting in.

1) What have you been up to?
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon?
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why?
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes?
5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged)

As ever, I am going to cheat and slowly copy these from a previous Cafe. Please tag anyone I missed, and if you would like to be removed from my list, please PM me.
@Aurelia @FlamingoWrangler @HappyKitty @johnDoen @Kiwi2016 @cymbele @extraterrestrialone @Sunday16
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Teddy Bears Rule! 🐻
Staff Alumni
1) What have you been up to?
Nothing good
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon?
Worship inside my church instead of from car in parking lot.
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why?
Not sure.
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes?
Health, comfortable wealth, and no longer a need by anyone for places like SF
5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged)
@1964dodge @Sassy the Wonderful Cat @nyJmpMaster @Angie @Nick @Lane


🦄🦜🧁Pink Gif Letter X Queen🌈🌝💖
SF Supporter
1) What have you been up to? Not much, just a lot of sleeping. lol
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon? Maybe get out more and socialize.
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why? Baggy jeans because those were fun to wear :P
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes? Everyone to be happy, enough to live comfortably on, and no more hatred.
5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged) It's hard to pick just a few people because so many people have helped me. Been here almost a decade and I wouldn't be able to remember them all.

Blue Star

Well-Known Member
1) What have you been up to? Today, I put some socks up on the clothesline to dry. They dried yay.
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon? Probably a big family barbecue. Yall are invited, of course.
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why? MySpace!!!
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes? Health, love, and happiness.
5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged) Hard to pick from a lot of people here. But I will pick one. @RCee
Thanks for the tag @Auri
1) What have you been up to? jamming and gaming
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon? Sushi classes from my fav sushi restaurant.
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why? pokemon go
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes? world prosperity, health and money
5) Who on SF has really helped you? @Lux @Dante
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Blue Star

Well-Known Member
1) What have you been up to? Today, I put some socks up on the clothesline to dry. They dried yay.
2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon? Probably a big family barbecue. Yall are invited, of course.
3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why? MySpace!!!
4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes? Health, love, and happiness.
5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged) Hard to pick from a lot of people here. But I will pick one. @RCee
@RCee is funny and knows how to pick the perfect Twitter gifs lol.



Kangaroo Manager
SF Pro
SF Supporter
1) What have you been up to?

Thawing out.

2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon?

Probably not much beyond what I do now which has never been much to begin with.

3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why?

Courtesy and decency to others as opposed to the Me ONLY Attitude you often find since time began but seems to be growing. Me first I understand. You need to see to yourself and yours, but if you have the opportunity and ability to help another do it.

4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes?

Money, money, health to be better, but admit I am getting older so things will go South no matter what.

5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged). Too many to mention and I would not want to exclude when I was new and gave advice being here.


Pink Sponge Winter Queen 💖🧽⭐️👑
Ty for tagging me @Dante & for posting the cafe :) I definitely don't intend on singling out any one member to celebrate sorry. I think everyone here is great in their own special & unique ways :)

1) What have you been up to?
Not much, have a bit of heartburn right now which is unpleasant, had hoped after I had it a month or 2 ago that I wouldn't again, I really hate it a lot :(

2) What's the FIRST thing you plan to do when all this pandemic crap is over, the shops are open again and hugging isn't frowned upon?
See my sis again.

3) If you could bring back any trend, be it fashion, music, slang, anything, what would it be and why?
Can't think of anything for this sorry just not feeling so good right now.

4) Oh would you look at that, a Genie's lamp. What are your 3 wishes?
For no one to ever have to suffer again in any way, for a million dollars and to be married to Mark Hamill :)

5) Who on SF has really helped you? (Tagging them in your response is encouraged)
Lots of people, like I said I'm really not comfortable singling people out.
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