A thing I do in the morning that really helps

Hey guys, I wanted to give back to the community since u guys have helped me a lot in the past month or so.

This may not be for everyone but it's something that I do that I kind really helps settle my mind before I start my day.

I like to wake up in the early morning before the sun rises, and light a few taper candles with a candleabra and perch it on my desk, then I like to pull out my journal and write an entry summing up the past week or so or maybe draw a bit. I usually sit right next to a window so I can watch the sun rise in the morning.

it really helps to just watch the beauty of the sun rise with ethereal lighting from something that isn't digital. I typically don't sleep or check my phone when I do this, as I like to avoid social media to start off my day. I find that I'm a lot calmer and level headed.

I also like to take the time to write a list of things I need to acomplish within the day. Especially since I'm still in online school and focusing can be difficult with my ADHD brain. It's kinda a blessing and a curse lol. I'm able to be a lot more imaginative and spontaneous in my art and writing, but sitting down for a long period of time can be difficult.

So what are some calming rituals that you guys do that help? I'm curious to learn about new things, and I hope that this can help someone else in the meantime.


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Anything helping you cope and go through another day is good. For myself I love comedy so I am likely to view some sitcoms, pet the cat here until decides time to part for a bit human. LOL Just the simple joys can be appealing and helpful. I get up earlier than I should on weekends so a siesta after supper is always pleasant.

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