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Anime and Manga

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I loved Death note and watched Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. And I have seen a lot of others I would really love to try. But I never know where to start.
It is definitely a passion I will love to have though :)
I just never know how to start
Watch Welcome To The NHK it is about a college dropout who hasn't left his bedroom in 4 years and he believes that the Japanese TV corporation known as the NHK is responsible for his shut-in lifestyle it is very relatable.


The "Perfect Life" YouTube channel is neat
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I watch a lot of anime. I’ve binged watched One Punch Man and Death Parade recently.

I’ve watched Overlord and Hellsing (both the Abridged and original versions). I’ve watched DBS and some kill la kill, saw Gantz version 3.0 and Death Note.

I like stuff with a surprise or twist ending.

Lisa the Goatgirl

I'm all things, and so are you
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Yeah, for sure, major fan of some good anime. I just recently caught up with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and it's one of the greatest things i've ever watched.

I love Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, and Hunter X Hunter.

I also think Seven Deadly Sins is pretty good.

I think Blue Exorcist and Tokyo Ghoul are decent, but not amazing.


Hey, yeah, I’m definitely an anime fan.

Mentioned before that I saw your favorite, Welcome to the NHK, and thought it was excellent though, at times, so relatable that it became hard to watch.

Evangelion is definitely one of my favorites, it’s one of the best and truest depictions of depression and emotional isolation I’ve experienced in any medium.

On the more fun side, I’ve really been enjoying My Hero Academia. I resisted it for a while because it seemed like just another standard shonen battle series, which it kinda is, but it’s executed really well with great pacing, likable characters, and humor that actually lands (something a lot of series try to include, but usually fail at).

@Cynic Goat mentioned Jojo’s, which I’ve only seen the first couple seasons of, but also really liked.

And I recently saw Shinsekai Yori. Don’t know what it was about that series, but it really stuck in my head. Found myself thinking about it for a long time afterwards.

And I gotta give a shout-out to Ranma 1/2 and Tenchi Muyo! for being the series that got me into anime way way back when I was but a young Gonz.

Lisa the Goatgirl

I'm all things, and so are you
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@Cynic Goat mentioned Jojo’s, which I’ve only seen the first couple seasons of, but also really liked.
Ok, sorry, i have to turn into that guy for second, but you have to watch part 3 dude! It's the best part of the whole show, and it's completely different to the first 2 parts. I don't want to spoil what, but a massive twist happens that completely changes the way the whole show works! Ok, nerding over with.


Ok, sorry, i have to turn into that guy for second, but you have to watch part 3 dude! It's the best part of the whole show, and it's completely different to the first 2 parts. I don't want to spoil what, but a massive twist happens that completely changes the way the whole show works! Ok, nerding over with.
Alright, you’ve talked me into it. Not that I wasn’t gonna get to it eventually, but now I’ll make it the next thing I watch.


Well-Known Member
Devilman crybaby still the finish make me cry hahaha. (?)
Evangelion is a masterpiece, and contain the best song.
Too Puella Magi Madoka Magic, Shingeki no kyojin and kill la kill!
BUUUT I LOVED Perfect blue, is a movie but It'sss 2D. Perfect blue show a one person deranged mode explicit.
And mousou dairinin is likeee perfect blue just diferent and mousou dairinin contain 13 caps! But is so cool.
And other movie 2D... Cat soup!
Cat soup is a cool movie and have animation veryyy gud. 9/10


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I used to watch lots of anime and read lots of manga but due to anxiety I can't as much anymore. Recently I watched devilman crybaby, ping pong (you'd never expect to like an anime about ping pong so much) and I don't remember more atm, but I wanted to finish evangelion and some others

I also watched jojo @Cynic Goat but I liked the second part the most. I tried to watch the third part twice and I got bored and I abandoned it </3, but I want to read the manga from that part

Lisa the Goatgirl

I'm all things, and so are you
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I also watched jojo @Cynic Goat but I liked the second part the most. I tried to watch the third part twice and I got bored and I abandoned it </3, but I want to read the manga from that part
Oh man, that's such a shame, because it means you didn't see the final battle of the part, it's incredible. I can understand though, i remember going from part 2 to part 3 and being kind of unsure for a while, but after a bit, you get used to that new feature and i remember going from being unsure to thinking it was the best part of the entire show. Part 2 is still a very close second for me though, and Joseph is definitely my favourite of all the Jojos.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, that's such a shame, because it means you didn't see the final battle of the part, it's incredible. I can understand though, i remember going from part 2 to part 3 and being kind of unsure for a while, but after a bit, you get used to that new feature and i remember going from being unsure to thinking it was the best part of the entire show. Part 2 is still a very close second for me though, and Joseph is definitely my favourite of all the Jojos.
Joseph is 10/10, all the people I talked to love him the most haha

Yeah I should give it a chance again, at least the manga. I abandon them way too early


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grew up learning how to read from sailor moon subtitles. the anime i've watched most recently would be steins;gate. liked hell girl, kill la kill, and madoka magica. been meaning to watch paranoia agent. cowboy bebop is probably going to be my favourite series forever. also like some anime films... paprika, redline, akira, ghost in the shell, etc. if you're into horror manga then junji ito's work is great


Awesome, i'm so glad to hear that. You won't be disappointed, although it takes a little bit to get used to.
Just to give an idea of how little I do in an average day, I’ve already finished Stardust Crusaders, and am now 10 episodes into Diamond is Unbreakable.

The battle between Iggy and the falcon was the most epic thing I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life. Thanks for telling me to start watching again. I had been waiting for a backlog of episodes to build up before I started it up again but, in the meantime, had kinda forgotten how much fun the show is.

Stardust did start to feel a little repetitive around the middle, but it felt like they realized that and started presenting the characters with different types of challenges to shake it up a bit, and it really worked. The gambling and gaming episodes were two of the best. And so far Diamond seems to be doing a good job of using the premise introduced in Stardust to do some fun interesting stuff, like the Italian restaurant episode.

Lisa the Goatgirl

I'm all things, and so are you
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Just to give an idea of how little I do in an average day, I’ve already finished Stardust Crusaders, and am now 10 episodes into Diamond is Unbreakable.

The battle between Iggy and the falcon was the most epic thing I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life. Thanks for telling me to start watching again. I had been waiting for a backlog of episodes to build up before I started it up again but, in the meantime, had kinda forgotten how much fun the show is.

Stardust did start to feel a little repetitive around the middle, but it felt like they realized that and started presenting the characters with different types of challenges to shake it up a bit, and it really worked. The gambling and gaming episodes were two of the best. And so far Diamond seems to be doing a good job of using the premise introduced in Stardust to do some fun interesting stuff, like the Italian restaurant episode.
I'm just gonna mark this whole reply as spoilers for part 3 and the start of part 4 to be safe.
I know, right? The battle between Iggy and the Falcon was amazing, it made me pull a full 180 from kind of hating him to adoring him. That dog is so goddamn metal. And that moment a few episodes later where Iggy sacrificed his life for Polnareff was heartbreaking.

I agree that they seemed to get the idea that it was kinda slow and improved it afterwards. It's a shame, because it makes some people give up on part 3, even though it gets incredible in the second half.

The highlight has to be hat three episode battle between Dio and Jotaro though. When Dio threw an entire fucking steamroller at Jotaro, i was practically dying from laughter at how OTT it was. Then i was so pumped when it turned out Jotaro had mastered time stop even better than Dio.

Yeah, Diamond has some really cool concepts in it, and fully embraces the quirky variety that stands can provide. They're constantly bringing in all kinds of absurd new powers.
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