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Well-Known Member
I have talked about it till my face was blue and nothing seems to help. I have asked for hel pand the people who i thought were my friends just turned their backs on me. I know there is a chatroom here but right now cause of what has happend to my in the past i do not feel comfortable just yet talking in a chatroom. I dont want other people turning their backs on me like my friends here did. I just hate my FUC**N life and don't know what to do anymore.


Hey :hug:

It's ok not to go into chat if your not comfortable with it :) But know that we are here to listen to you and to support you through this - I for one won't turn my back on you.... we are here to talk to if you need us :hug:




Well-Known Member
I thank you very much. but i think i am past the point of being helped.

I feel like i am insugnificant nobody in this world and there isnt anyone out there that would miss me when i die.

Hey, first off I'd like to introduce myself you you; I'm John, 19, USA. For years I felt depressed/suicidal. To tell you the truth I still feel this way sometimes. I have even made attempts, lucky for me none of them suceeded.

I was ridiculed, laughed at, attacked, you name it. But it was a phase, please let this be the end of your suicidal phase. People aren't always the nicest they can be, things don't always go perfectly (I don't know your exact situation please look past that). There are people who care about you even if you don't think there are, I thought there weren't for years just to eventually realize there have been my whole life.


Well-Known Member
i am still being teased and all that crap it never ends....the people i thought were my friends just ended up using me even up to the point of this past JAN... i still had people using me.

i cant live like this anymore....i dont want anymore emotional pain i have had enough i am to my limit

I NEED to end this pain in the only way i know how to


Well-Known Member
givenuponlife said:
i am still being teased and all that crap it never ends....the people i thought were my friends just ended up using me even up to the point of this past JAN... i still had people using me.

- using you? teasing you?


Well-Known Member
if you are wondering why i said what i said is cause they are both true i am still being teased and i am still being used.

i might as well leave this site and just like everything else i can't talk about this anymore.
So please take my name off of here

bye all


Well-Known Member
i have been teased all my life. by my friends. maybe not used, but teased for sure. i never understood why i always let them have the upper hand. then i found out about something that changed my whole life. i got respect from then on, from everyone. pm me if you wanna find out what it is. if you don't want to talk, then just change your friends. don't hang out with insecure losers who wanna take it out on you to make themselves fee better.


Well-Known Member
just to mention i have changed friends and nothing seems to work, i still find the worst of the worst, i can never find people who like me for just me, i hate my life and i hate.....well my life sucks


Well-Known Member
b4 you check your P.M, just wanted to let you know that i had the same problem all through grade and high school. it got so worse that i would be amazed whenever someone treated me with respect, as i was already used to be treated like shit by my friends. the only good thing is that they never really used me, but i'd rather be used than disrespected and teased!


Well-Known Member
like my name says I GIVE UP i cant take this shit anymore....i have to much crap going on in my life ....to much stress...and to many thoughts racing thru my mind....so

please don't give up and give in. there are people who care, i can guarantee it. the people who don't make things harder than i wish they were, but truly there are those who care. please just give it more time, it doesn't have a chance without time. hope to hear from you. take care
i hope it doesn't sound harsh, but i was wondering if you've looked many places for a reason aside from the people you know now, and the hopes of the future, is there anything in you that you want to do? anything that's capable of making you personally happy or proud? at the risk of repeating myself on the forum: i've always considered that desire reason enough, even if it's something idiotic or mundane


Well-Known Member
Hey im here if you still awant somebody to sit with you.

i can see how hard your dfinding this.Please dont go.Please sit with me.


Well-Known Member
Worried about you.ive just read more of your thread and i knwo it may be of little of comfort ot you but i can realte to how it feels to be picked on,teased,used cos at one time or another those things have all happened to me [ror still happen reguarly in the case of me being teased,picked upon cos of my sight problems] so i just wanted to say i can relate and i so wihs i could do more.Also i knwo it feels to want to sleep and never wake up and i certainly knwo how it feels not to be taken seriuosly and particuarly on the subject of what i am going to do to myself.ive had that experience a lot previously.............not always now burt it sitill comes up.It is so hard to deal with.

Well im waflfling and im sure i havent helped you one bit but please please reply if you can and if i havent firrightened you off.i may not know you but i care and i just want to check you are as ok as you can be right now.

Please reply or PM.

Sorry for being useless.

Take care and best wishes for now
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