I had a traumatic mental health admission in September where security guards attacked me and the police arrested me and took me to the mental hospital. Since then I have been having a lot of intrusive thoughts worrying that bad things are going to happen in my life in the future even though I am safe(r) now and out of hospital.
I worry I will be attacked on the street, have my handbag stolen and be locked out my house unable to call anyone, or that I will end up homeless or someone will accuse me of a crime and I'll end up in prison.
I'm going to speak to my psychiatrist tomorrow but I only see them every 3 months and have to manage by myself, alone much of the time.
Does anyone have any advice on how to stop worrying all the time? Is it something that will get better as time goes on and I'm further away from the admission? I've seen a couple of books on Amazon about intrusive thoughts so that could be a start.
I'm even googling what to wear in prison and feel like I might be accidentally manifesting bad things which is making me worry even more.
Thanks in advance x
I had a traumatic mental health admission in September where security guards attacked me and the police arrested me and took me to the mental hospital. Since then I have been having a lot of intrusive thoughts worrying that bad things are going to happen in my life in the future even though I am safe(r) now and out of hospital.
I worry I will be attacked on the street, have my handbag stolen and be locked out my house unable to call anyone, or that I will end up homeless or someone will accuse me of a crime and I'll end up in prison.
I'm going to speak to my psychiatrist tomorrow but I only see them every 3 months and have to manage by myself, alone much of the time.
Does anyone have any advice on how to stop worrying all the time? Is it something that will get better as time goes on and I'm further away from the admission? I've seen a couple of books on Amazon about intrusive thoughts so that could be a start.
I'm even googling what to wear in prison and feel like I might be accidentally manifesting bad things which is making me worry even more.
Thanks in advance x