can't figure out where to post...

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Well-Known Member
so I'll just do it here.
I'm not really upset or anything-- I just thought I'd say a few things...

so... I am in the hospital again; not because I tried to kill myself again, though. I actually don't feel like killing myself for once today. The last couple of days have been kind of nice.
Thing is, I'm here because of a pre-existing health condition and it's pretty bad this time. It *feels* bad, I mean. Feels bad, and I look like total shit; which isn't cool because for SOME reason, this hospital is filled with attractive young male nurses now -____-
not cool.

It's kind of a delicate issue, I suppose...
I just wanted to thank SF for being here.
I wish that everyone could find something or someone that brings them happiness. I don't want anyone to be sad.
The fact of life is that at some point it ends - you can't stop it from ending, so just continue on and live for no other reason than to be a good person and be happy with who you are and what you do. It shouldn't matter where we end up when we're dead--- in heaven or hell or just getting eaten by maggots in the ground--- live your life to live it. Experience things and feel.

That's it, I guess!
Just wasting time and trying to be emotional- because I feel like I should be crying or something, but I'm not.


Well-Known Member
Im very glad to hear you arent feeling suicidal at the moment, please keep it up! We're all thinking of you, i hope you feel better from what's wrong with you soon and look good for those male nurses ;) :hug:


Well-Known Member
thanks, guys~!

Seems tests came back inconclusive - so I'll be staying overnight while some more tests are sent out to another lab.
I don't really sleep... but I've been told I'm not allowed to leave my room for any reason after lights out-which is soon.

...guess I'll listen to my mp3 player all night... stare at the ceiling... count the creepy shadows on the walls -_______-


Well-Known Member
sorry you're not well....I hope you're feeling better real soon....
glad you're still able to offer great advice..
take care


Well-Known Member
The fact of life is that at some point it ends - you can't stop it from ending, so just continue on and live for no other reason than to be a good person and be happy with who you are and what you do. It shouldn't matter where we end up when we're dead--- in heaven or hell or just getting eaten by maggots in the ground--- live your life to live it. Experience things and feel.
well said. sorry you're not feeling well and hope you feel better soon! :hug:
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