Confused (God, suicide, Hell...) Religious Discussion

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I believe that a person who commits suicide has a belief to commit suicide unconscious and which received this belief In the moment of its design and it is its destiny To commit suicide. But that God in his kindness made me discover a means to remove this unconscious belief and That the person after having removed this belief This will not commit suicide :idea:


Well-Known Member
Friend, if you are contemplating suicide then, I am writing to you with urgency. So, listen very closely as you read every word, because this may be the most important message of your entire life!

You Do Not Want To Die

You want to end the pain and suffering. There is a difference. You do not want to die. You want to live. The problem is that you believe that your pain and suffering will never end. You’ve been feeling this agonizing pain for so long. It feels like a life sentence. You do not want to die. You want to live. You just want the pain to end. The feelings that you have indicate to you that deep down inside you know you were made for so much more than you’ve been living. ‘But, I can’t see it… all I see is more pain’. That’s because… pain has blinded you from being able to see it. The truth is …your pain and suffering is temporary. I know temporary feels like forever when you’re in pain. Perhaps, you’ve been in this pain for years and years. But, in view of eternity, it really is only temporary. This life is just a minute compared to eternity. I realize when you are experiencing pain and suffering ….it can be a very long minute. But, as the song says, “troubles don’t last always”.

Let me tell you why I’m writing to you with such urgency…I want you to CHOOSE TO LIVE. And here’s why… Because…..

You were created for a unique purpose and destiny that you have not yet discovered.
 Your life isn’t over.
 You are not too far gone.
 Your life matters.
 You have dignity and worth.
 You hold the key to unlock your amazing future.
 You will make a difference and impact the lives of many.
 You can create and enjoy the loving relationships you long for.
 You can be happy, laugh, and genuinely smile again.
 You can live an extraordinary, successful, and meaningful life.

‘Where is this life you’re talking about’?’ It’s in front of you. You will discover it as you move through your pain and get on the other side of this time in your life… You just need some help navigating through the raging storm you are in. You just need to hear and know that you’re not alone.

I know you feel like your life is ship-wrecked and beyond repair. But, you’re not beyond help. There’s still time for you to unlock the beauty, passion and goodness inside of you. It is there… deep down inside, buried underneath a whole lot of pain. There’s still time for you to learn to be yourself, and to love yourself.

Visualize your life without the feelings of isolation, loneliness and despair. Imagine living your life in peace with no guilt and no shame. ‘Is it really possible’? You bet it is! Now, press delete on your past failures. Your past will resolve itself as you move forward and live your life.

You’re not a hopeless failure. Don’t believe the lies. Other people’s opinions about you don’t have to become your reality. You choose your reality. Overcome. And learn how to transform your weaknesses into strengths. When this happens, you will be catapulted out of the emotional pain you’ve been experiencing and you will be thrust into a whole new direction.

There really is something more than the horrific pain and suffering you have endured. As crazy as it seems your pain when transformed will serve a great purpose - for yourself and for others. Think about this…there are people in the earth today that you are uniquely assigned to and who need to benefit from that great gift inside of you called purpose and destiny.

Here’s the good news…

…listen carefully to the heartbeat of Jesus for you… He says, “I care about you. I love you. I have not forgotten you. I’m with you always. Give me your guilt, your shame and your failures. Let’s make an exchange, right now. I will take your sorrows and give you joy. Tired? Give me your pain, your doubts, your fears and I will give you rest. I’ll remove the weight from your shoulders. I will take the pain off your chest.

Let me wrap my arms tightly around you and hold you. I accept you - just as you are. I am making something so attractive and beautiful out of your life. Yes, you’re life! I waste nothing. Not one experience is wasted. I use everything. And I will make everything work for your good.

I proved my love to you when I came to earth, and suffered as a man, like you. I endured pain, suffering and persecution . Why? So, I could feel what you feel. I was rejected, a man of sorrows and I experienced unspeakable grief. Why? Because, I love you so much. I wanted to save you. I wanted to rescue you. I endured public humiliation, shame and unimaginable pain. I carried your pain, your rejection, your grief, and your transgressions too the cross.

I paid your debt in full. So, what did it cost? My life for your life – the ultimate exchange. Now, pain, disease and suffering must bow down at the foot of the cross. I suffered so you can live. I suffered so you can be free. I suffered so you can have peace, joy and happiness forever. I love you. And, I’m for you! Now, choose to live and discover the destiny, hope and future I have for you”.

When You Discover Your Destiny And Purpose For Living…

…You will be virtually unstoppable. You will become so attractive to yourself and to others. You will become full of life, energy and passion. There will be no shortage of adventure, friends, excitement and meaning in your life.


Antiquitie's Friend
So erm... Jesus died on the cross so I could have no shortage of adventure, friends and excitement. Gosh that was nice of him.


Antiquitie's Friend
Oh by the way I'm not having a go. The rest of it was quite good before you got up to the "When You Discover Your Destiny And Purpose For Living…" bit. But to be fair if you've found that you've become virtually unstoppable and attractive to others with no shortage of adventure then please tell me about it and if you are honest and sincere I will accept what you say as being true.

When I became a Christian I found peace and hope and people who'd listen to me and accept me for who I was. Oh and only one true friend, but that meant a lot to me at the time.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Ziggy,

Certainly, Jesus died first and foremost to save us from ourselves and secondly so that we could have the "abundant life" that we were intended to live. The abundant life can be partially realized on this earth...but will be totally realized in fullness for all of eternity.

So, He gave us principles for this life:
1.) If you want friends be friendly
2.) If you want adventure...come and follow what I created you to do
3.) And when you do what you were created to do and be....there is plenty of excitement.


Well-Known Member

Ten years ago, I wanted to end my life. I was in horrendous pain. I had experienced rejection, conditional love and one loss upon another. I hated my life. Those thoughts consumed me day and night. I was filled with anger and lots of hurt. It was all I thought about...from the moment I woke up until the minute I went to bed. On top of that thoughts led to unbelievable nightmares. I lived in a hopeless prison in my mind. Despair, depression, and suicide is all I could think about.

I wanted justice. I wanted the wrong things in my life and about my life to be made right. But, I was powerless to do this or make it happen. In my despair, anger and hopelessness....I wanted to hurt those who had caused me so much grief and pain. I made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide.

After spending 7 days in a hospital psychiatric ward...I realized that I couldn't hurt my parents by ending my life. Furthermore, I realized I didn't really want to die. I wanted to live. But, I wanted to end the emotional pain. But, I needed help. I could never have survived on my own.

I had counselors, a psychiatrist who helped me through the crisis moments. And eventually I learned skills to cope with my pain. But, I needed something more...

Soon, I began to hear about a righteous Judge who would make all the wrong things right in my life. Jesus...He is a bridegroom, He is a King, and He is a Judge. And, one day He cares deeply about the poor, the afflicted, the weak, the outcasts, victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, He cares about the widow and the orphans....And One Day...He will make all the wrong things right....this gave me great comfort.... He said, vengeance is mine. I will repay. And this gave me the courage to trust again, to believe again...and to give Him all of my pain...and trust that He will keep His promise.

When I unloaded the weight that I carried...guilt, shame, anger, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, rejection, and the many painful losses in my life....soon, I began to and joyful thoughts. I became more peaceful and at rest and then had peaceful thoughts. Not long after joyful thoughts and peaceful thoughts began to lead me to on a quest of discovering WHY I WAS ALIVE....for what purpose am I on the earth... Okay. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and Judge...but what's next..

When I began to inquire of the Lord, He began to show me my destiny... Suddenly I began to dream again....then, I began to hope again. And since I have taken steps forward towards my destiny....

People that live with purpose and passion, which I believe comes from God, are absolutely some of the most radiant people I knew. They seem like they're high on life....and when you ask them...they will tell you I am doing what I love (what I was made for....what I was created to do)..

understanding who we are, why we are, and where we are simply powerful and transforming....


Antiquitie's Friend
Hi, I was just thinking about what you've said

"…You will be virtually unstoppable. You will become so attractive to yourself and to others. You will become full of life, energy and passion. There will be no shortage of adventure, friends, excitement and meaning in your life."
this makes it sound like all these things are going to come to you without having to put in any effort.

1.) If you want friends be friendly
2.) If you want adventure...come and follow what I created you to do
3.) And when you do what you were created to do and be....there is plenty of excitement.
this is the bit I can relate with, to have fulfillment in our lives we have to put in the effort...

People that live with purpose and passion, which I believe comes from God, are absolutely some of the most radiant people I knew. They seem like they're high on life....and when you ask them...they will tell you I am doing what I love (what I was made for....what I was created to do)..
and this makes it sound like we don't have to put that effort in alone. That God will help us in our efforts. Yeah I guess that all makes sense to me, thanks for sharing that with us,

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