Flu (UK only)


Well-Known Member
Help, ive been fighting flu on and off now for a while, sometimes it gets really bad. Let me just make one thing clear... I dont do doctors, well not the one im registered to anyway.
my problem is that i dont know what to take, everything i have tried is useless, meds here dont work like they do back home, maybe they are not as potent. Lemsip is crap, does absolutely nothing for me. oh and when i ask the chemist what they suggest they say lemsip or i try whatever else they give me and it is just as crap. ive spent so much money and its all been a waste because i feel just as bad, not one moment to rest and recover coz im so sore and uncomfortable.
Im so frustrated, i have trouble enough trying to sleep without feeling awful and not breathing on top of it. i need something that will make me drowsy and help me to sleep & recover because im struggling to do so.
I can name a whole bunch of meds that work wonders back home, which dont exist here, very few of them u can buy online for 100 times the price.
i need help, seriously, does anyone here know of any pills, syrups, sprays, hotdrinks, etc that are fairly effective in taking away any pains, clogginess, fuzziness, help to sleep.?


Well-Known Member
Hmm I'm not sure - I usually just take Beechams tablets for that kind of thing. What is your diet like? When I'm feeling a bit rough I eat a LOAD of vegetables. Lots of green ones, and carrots, yum. Homemade vegetable soup is a miracle cure :wink:

Have you tried that Vicks menthol smelly stuff to clear your head a bit?

If it has been going on for a long time then you might just have to got to a doctor eventually. :hug:

Get well soon xx


Well-Known Member
Oh I just thought - if you look up the things that used to work for you at home and see what the main ingredients are - then write them down. Take that to a chemist and ask what UK medicines have that in and they might be able to find something effective :smile:


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
Have a try with night nurse, that always knocks me right out and it has decongestions, paracetamol etc to ease the symptoms.

Meanwhile take vitamin C there are some large tablets you can buy that you drop into water and makes a nice fizzy drink thats good for you :smile:
Also drink lemon barley water.

If it's flu even the doc can't do anything for you cos its a bloody virus, so you're stuck with it till it runs it's course; but a balanced diet, extra vit c and plenty of fluids should flush the bugger out.


Well-Known Member
thanks, i got some night nurse and some vicks sinex and some effervescents so ill see what happens. i tried asking the chemist if they have those specific ingredients but she was clueless completely so i gave up. almost everything says NON DROWSY on it so i got some herbal valerian & hops tabs as well.

after all that i got home to realise i forgot to ask about that lemon barley water *sigh*


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
If all else fails Pud this was a trick my dad used to use on me when I was a kid (I hated it but it worked).
Find every blanket, coat, duvet in the house and pile on the bed.
Make a drink of hot milk (yuck) add whiskey and honey get under all the bedclothes, swallow drink and prepare to sweat like a pig.
Basically your body temp goes sky high and burns the bloody virus out of your body.

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