Food For Thought 2

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He Is My Brother

The road is long,
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
And God only knows when.
But I am strong,
Strong enough to carry him,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

So on we go.
His welfare is of my concern.
No burden is he to bear.
We’ll get there,
I know.
He does not encumber me,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

If I am laden at all,
It is with sadness
That everyone’s heart
Is not filled with the gladness
Of love for each other.

It’s a long, long road,
From which there is no return.
While we’re on the way there,
Why not share?
When I do, the load
Does not weigh me down at all,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

He is my brother and she is my sister
And as on the inner level all life is one,
Their cross and pain are mine.
And when I hurt someone,
I do it to myself.
And that’s why I do whatever I can
To comfort my brothers and sisters
With the help of the gifts
The Great Father/Mother of all life
Has bestowed upon me.

The Hollies
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
‘He’s My Brother’

* * *

Do Not Judge

Do not find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have worn the shoes they wear
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt
That are hidden from your view,
And if their cross was on your back,
It might cause you to stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you,
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes doubly sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them, when they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of this nature.
Aware that every one of their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to attract
People with judgemental attitudes
Into their orbit.

Recommended Reading:
‘Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged’
‘Sitting In Judgement’
‘Love Your Enemies’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
The Cross We Bear

However heavy our cross
And great our pain,
God’s Sun will always shine
After that kind of rain.

Sometimes we stumble
On other occasions we fall.
God and the Angels are always ready,
To answer our call.

The Great Father/Mother of all life
Is with and part of us and
Therefore not only knows about
But takes part in every one of
Our heartaches, pains and tears.

For those who ask for help from the Highest,
The wise ones in charge of us would have
The power to make them disappear,
Like waving some kind of a magic wand.

Yet, that’s not what they do,
Because it would stop us from growing
In wisdom and understanding.
We would never learn to tap into
And develop our own inner strength and
Bring forth and work with
The characteristics of our Christ nature.

Because of this, instead they guide us intuitively
To someone who can show us
How to explore the higher purpose
And meaning of our life and
The reasons why we are suffering,
Thus making the burden of our cross
Lighter and easier to endure.

May the Great White Spirit
Fill your days with the blessing and healing power
Of His/Her love, wisdom and peace.

Be good, kind and loving to everybody.
Never forget that we all have to bear our own cross
And that is the earthly personality we ourselves
Created through the thinking and behaviour patterns of past lifetimes.
That’s why all of us now have to fight our own inner and outer battles.

The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It was originally meant to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above all happenings on the physical plane. During its many journeys through this particular form of existence all human spirits and souls remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness that Earth life presents.

There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.

* * *​
Life Is A Gift And A Blessing

All life is a precious gift and a blessing from the highest levels of life to ours. Every one of us has something special to contribute and in the fullness of time is destined to evolve into a blessing for our whole world. Knowing that God is as much in you and me as in everybody else, live your life joyfully and scatter blessings wherever you go. As children of the Highest Star and the brightest light, the Sun beyond the Sun, every blessing brings a ray of light to those who are blessed. Here is some expert advice how to go about it:

Blessing is to acknowledge the unlimited good and abundance which is embedded in the very texture of the Universe and waiting to be called upon and tapped into by each and every one of us. Therefore, upon waking up every morning, bless the new day ahead and know that already it is filled with the unseen good your blessings are going to bring forth for those you bless.

On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will accompany them on their way and the aura of its gentle shine will light their path.

When meeting and talking to people, bless their health, their work, their joy, all their relationships, the one with God, themselves and all others. Bless their finances, so they may become abundant. Bless them in every conceivable way, as every blessing you send out plants seeds of healing, comfort and healing which one day will grow as flowers of joy in the waste places of your own life.

As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, nurses and street sweepers, children and bankers, priests as well as prostitutes. The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing. Bless them unconditionally, sincerely and joyfully, so that your blessing acts as a shield that protects them against committing misdeeds out of ignorance of their true nature. At the same time it deflects the arrows anyone may aim at you.

Blessing means to wish unconditionally and totally unrestricted good for others. The desire to do this rises to the surface of your consciousness from the deepest innermost wellspring of your being. It reveals to those in charge of you on the higher and highest levels of life that you revere and kneel before our Creator’s gifts. Pray that those who receive your blessings will be made whole and therefore holy. Blessing invokes the special attention of the Divine to bring health and wellbeing to the people you are sending it to. We ourselves cannot provide any of these things, but merely act as channels through which life’s abundance flows.

To bless all without any discrimination is the ultimate form of giving and the best thing is that those you bless will never know who sent them the sudden rays of Sun that burst through the clouds surrounding them. Although you are unlikely to ever actually see the light each blessing brings into another’s life, you can rely on it that it will be there.

When something goes completely wrong in your day, an unexpected event knocks you down and your plans to pieces, bless the situation because life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, in truth you yourself called forth, so that you should learn a certain lesson against you would otherwise balk. Bless everything that comes your way, because everything that happens is always a blessing – only sometimes it comes in disguise. You can be sure that the Angels are always there to pick you up and get you going again, if you but trust.

Blessing is an acknowledgement of the omnipresent, universal beauty of the things that to this day are hidden from earthly eyes. It activates the law of attraction which, even from the furthest reaches of the Universe can bring into your life exactly what you need in any given moment to experience and enjoy.

Passing a prison, mentally bless its inmates. Bless their true nature of innocence, goodness, gentleness and kindness, the pure essence of their being and send them unconditional forgiveness. Also bless their small earthly self who is as yet unaware of the higher aspects of its own nature. Bear in mind that everyone at some time or another is a prisoner of their self-image, that in the courtyard of a jail people who are free and unshackled on their inner level, and that citizens of countries where freedom reigns can be prisoners if their hearts and thoughts are filled with too many earthly desires and fear.

Passing a hospital, bless the wholeness of all its patients, as during the time of their suffering their wholeness is waiting to be re-discovered and return to them. When you see someone in tears and/or seemingly broken by life, bless their vitality and joy and with this help it to return to them. Remind yourself frequently that our material senses frequently present an inverted image of the ultimate splendour and perfection which can be perceived when our inner vision develops.

As it is impossible to bless someone and judge them at the same time, hold constantly on to your deep and hallowed desire to bless and heal all you meet. This helps you to evolve into a true healer, maker of peace and bringer of light, who one day will be able to recognise the presence of God in everything.

Bless Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, human and animal, vegetable and mineral, for each one of them is giving us of their abundance. Bless the powerful spiritual force that is constantly at work behind the scenes of our earthly existence. Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers are doing their best to bring God’s great evolutionary plan into manifestation here, ensuring that we and our world are moving ever forwards on the upwards winding spiral of life. This great force of light from the highest levels of life is the most essential part of everything on our planet. It brings us into this life, sustains us while we are here and takes us out of it again, when the time for doing so has come. Without this force there would be no life on the Earth. Guiding and protecting all of it, as well as that which exists anywhere else in the whole of Creation, this force assists us and Mother Earth with our personal and collective evolution.

It is the power behind the throne of God and all physical manifestation, from its lowest to its highest point, connecting every part of life anywhere upwards through the spheres with the most elevated levels. This force, invisible to earthly eyes, works through each physical aspect of Mother Earth as well as with all other planets in existence anywhere in the whole of Creation. Spiritually, there is no separation between any form of life, on all its levels and therefore no such thing as splendid isolation. All is of one construction and together forms one harmonious whole.

What to this day appears to be erroneous, evil and destructive in our world, has behind it the power, wisdom and love of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, who designs and with the help of the forces of light carries out its evolutionary plan to perfection. This is the power that guides and links all lifeforms with each other and in the end brings good out of apparent evil.

Our world would not be complete without you and me, and everybody else. So now go ahead and bless with all your heart and soul. Every one of us is a ray of light and each blessing we send out brings light to those who are blessed. And when it returns – as it inevitably will – it increases the vibration of our own body of light, that of Mother Earth and all humankind.

Bless all who are sharing your lifepath with you and bless those who are ceaselessly toiling in the background of life, unseen to earthly eyes, behind the realities of Earth life. Bless your family and friends, but why stop there? Bless every one of your siblings in the great family of humankind.

Recommended Viewing:
‘The Gentle Art Of Blessing’

From ‘The Gentle Art Of Blessing’
By Pierre Pradervand
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
‘Our World Needs You’
‘You Are Special’

* * *​

Every Day Is A Precious Gift

God is in everything and everything is God,
And before the Great Father/Mother
We are all equally loved, appreciated and valuable.
The law of life is evolution and our earthly existence is a school
And every human being has to start its learning
At the very base of the evolutionary spiral.
In the course of many lifetimes,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels
Each one of us slowly works their way
Forwards and upwards this spiral
Onto ever higher levels of life.

To enable us to do this,
It is necessary to focus only on that which
Is good, right and beautiful in all situations,
People, animals and things alike.
This is the part of the Divine
All of us gradually have to bring forth,
Each from within the very core of their own being.
In this process we become ever more God-like ourselves
And our connection with God and the Angels
Grows increasingly powerful.

For a long time they have been waiting
That we should begin to consciously work
Hand in hand with them,
So they can show us how, with each new day,
We can do our share of restoring a bit more of
The inner and outer balance of our world,
So that peace may come to us and it at last.

Wise ones, who are aware of these things,
Know that each new day is a precious gift
From God and the Angels.
They make the most of every one
By looking forward to everything it is going to bring.
Resting safely in the knowledge that every bit of it
Is in truth a present from the Highest,
They welcome, greet and bless
Whatever comes their way.

No matter what may befall wise ones,
They remain hopeful and
And hold steadfast onto their dreams.
They willingly follow their inner guidance
And give of their best at all times,
Trusting that the Universal laws
Will see to it that in due course
More of the same will return to them.

* * *​
All Things Are Possible

With the help and will
Of God and the Angels
All things are possible.
If our minds can conceive something
And our hearts believe that it can be done,
Then it will be.

Therefore, beloved Mother/Father Creator,
Through the small still voice of my inner guidance
Help me to make wise choices,
So I can pay my karmic debts.
Grant me the gift of Your courage and strength
To work my way through them and
Save and redeem myself
By working for the Highest good of all,
Rather than for merely selfish purposes,
The way I did in the past.


* * *​
Written With Love

Part of God’s Great design for all life
Is another, smaller plan for us and our world.
It is like a book that is filled with many chapters.
Each one of them represents a human lifetime
And there is a special chapter for every one of us.

God’s true nature and ours is love and
Each one of our earthly sojourns
Is similar to a story that,
Although it has been written with love,
Of necessity is filled with twists and turns,
And tells us about hopes and desires fulfilled
But also about frustrations and disappointments.
It reports joys as much as sorrows,
And many helloes as well as goodbyes.

It has to be so because every experience
Is meant to teach us something,
So that with the passing of time
We grow ever more heaven-tall and God-like.
As this takes many lifetimes to achieve,
None of the chapters ends
When the story of one of them is complete
And we move into the world of light.

There we have to wait patiently to be granted
Permission for a further earthly lifetime
That enables us to continue the work on our story.
By gradually shedding and leaving behind
The dark and evil aspects of our nature,
The highest and best that is also within us
Can come to the fore.
With the passing of time it takes over
Our whole being and nothing else remains.

The chapters of the God’s Great book have many pages.
One of them represents one lifetime.
There is one for every lifetime of the past that has been
Filled with the details of all our experiences.
There is also a page for our present lifetime and
The closer we come to our departure from it,
The less space to be filled in remains.

New pages are added for future lifetime,
As soon as one of them has passed
Its planning stage in the spirit world.
This continues until Earth life
Can offer no more learning and with that
Our earthly education is complete.
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
We are then allowed to move on
To lessons of a more elevated nature and
Forever resting safely in the knowledge
That they are guiding and protecting us.

Recommended Reading:
‘What Is Love?’

* * *​
Desiderata - For The Aquarian Age

Go quietly amid the noise and haste of our world and remember what peace there is in silence. As far as possible and without surrendering your ideals and self-respect, try to be on good terms with everybody. Speak your truth quietly and clearly. Those who are ready for it will understand. Anyone who does not may do so later. Let them be. Listen to the people around you and you are sure to find that there is no such thing as a dull person and that even the seemingly dull ones can teach you something. Loud and aggressive folks are vexations to the spirit and are best avoided at all cost.

Everybody is gifted in some special way, so be neither vain nor bitter about your talents. Although they are as special as anyone else’s, there will always be someone who is better or worse at certain things than you are. Waste no time on comparing yourself with others, but enjoy your own plans and achievements, hopes and dreams. Above all remain interested in life and diligently apply yourself to whatever tasks are given to you. However humble they may sometimes appear to you, they are a precious possession in the changing fortunes of time and will always be a valuable contribution to the wholeness of our world.

Even though there is still much trickery in our world, let that not blind you to the fact that there is just as much virtue. Be honest and fair in all your dealings and in everything you do never forget that whatever we send into our world unerringly finds its way back to us. Many strive for high ideals, but do not overlook that it often requires greater heroism to live our daily lives, trusting that things will change and really get better, that all is well with us and our world and that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible and miracles do happen.

Above all, be yourself. Never feign affection or be cynical in matters of the heart. In spite of all the aridity and disenchantment of our world, love is the law of life. It is the eternal evergreen of the Universe. Never allow it to die in your heart but do your best to love. Any love given will always return in some way, even though it often does not look like it. Only through life’s tests and trials, ups and downs can the capacity of our love nature mature and deepen. Therefore, take the counsel of the years with kindness and surrender the things of youth with grace. Nurture and develop your spiritual strength in good times, so it can act as your shield when the going gets rough.

Do not distress yourself with imaginings and bear in mind that fatigue and loneliness are the cause of many fears. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars, that we all have a right to be here, because everybody has their particular lessons to learn, and that – whether we are aware of it or not – the great Universal plan rests safely in God’s hands and is unfolding as it should.

Make peace with your soul and our Creator, whatever this means to you. And bear in mind that in our understanding of the Divine each one of us stands alone. We are all responsible for ourselves and the state of our world. Each through their own efforts has to save and redeem themselves and their own soul. No-one can do it on our behalf. And whatever your aspirations in the noisy confusion of daily life may be, make an effort to find your soul’s purpose and do your best to fulfil it. This alone can bring peace with ourselves and God.

Refuse to pay undue attention to the sham, drudgery and broken dreams that to this day are an essential part of the lessons we and our world have to learn, for they too serve a wise and higher purpose. Know that all of it is part of one of our world’s evolutionary phases that will pass. Instead of falling into depression, remain as positive as you can by focussing on the mystery, magic and wonders of our beautiful world. Look for the wisdom and love behind the surface of life that brings everything into being and maintains it. Enjoy what it offers and be content with your lot. Never lose your optimism about the good outcome of everything that still has to take place in our world before the great transition from one age to another is complete. Rest safely in the knowledge that we and our world are secure in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and that because of this everything is sure to turn out well in the end.

Max Ehrmann 1872-1945
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
Eternity Is Today

Every new day is part of the great mystery
In which past, present and future are one.
Each moment is like a river in which all drops of water
Are as much linked to their spring on a distant mountain slope,
As they are with the oceans of our world.

In just the same way this today of ours is part of Eternity.
Every precious moment of it, that’s where we dwell.
Eternity is not something we reach when leaving earthly life.
The awareness of this demands that we live
In ways that are worthy of being eternally visible,
So that when we reflect on our present existence
From the other side of the veil of consciousness
That separates our two worlds,
We can do so with gladness and without regrets.

Now is the time for emptying
Hearts and souls of our lower nature’s characteristics,
Like anger and vengefulness, hatred and greed.
This raises our consciousness and tunes the
Transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind
Into the frequencies of the Christ Spirit.
The more we develop Its characteristics and follow
Its will and wishes rather than ours,
The more our whole being
Fills with kindness, compassion and love for all life.
Then at last we are worthy of Eternity.

Ku Sang 1984
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
‘About Time’

* * *​

Eternity is not the hereafter
And has nothing to do with time.
Every moment we live is part of Eternity.
It is the functioning of our existence
As it unfolds every moment in the here and now.
If we don’t get that here,
We shall not get it anywhere.
The world of spirit is not the place
Where it can be experienced,
That can only be done here.

Joseph Campbell
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
The Long And Winding Road

On the long and winding road through life there are times
When decisions have to be made,
Choices are hard to come by, solutions scarce
And constant downpours threaten to ruin our parade.

When that happens, all we can do is let go
And move, praying for courage and strength,
And then handing the lead over to the living God within,
To show us the way forwards to a new dawn.

With this help a way will always be found.
And although it’s true that the process of change often is tough,
We need to think about all the good things that lie ahead,
If only we remain steadfast and patiently wait for them.

Round the very next bend of the road
There could be adventures we would never
Have dared to imagine even in our wildest dreams.
For those who dare to challenge the status quo
Hopes and wishes may come true in ways we cannot yet perceive
And new friendships found along the way.

There are so many options in life,
And different ways in which it is possible to grow.
Perhaps we shall visit places we never thought existed or
Explore things that have not been tried by anyone before.
Maybe we’ll travel to fabulous faraway worlds
And visit wondrous places where we find
Warmth, affection, loving and caring
From folks who could have been waiting for us.

Maybe they will listen with interest
To the experiences and feelings we have to share.
In their midst we may find someone
Who supports us in all we do
And believes in us and the decisions we make,
Because they know that they are good and wise for us,
Even though they may not be for anyone else.

Therefore, one foot in front of the other,
Let’s take life one step and one day at a time,
Confident that a brighter tomorrow is sure to come,
As long as we trust and follow our inner guidance,
Without ever looking back,
For that’s not the way we are meant to go.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​

In dreamtime a man was taken by his Highest Self
To take a look at the Akashic Records.
On something like a huge screen
Scenes from his life could be seen.
First he saw himself walking along a beach
With someone of whom he thought it was God.
In each episode at first he saw
Two sets of footprints in the sand.
He assumed that one of them belonged
To him and the other one to God.

But after a while he noticed that
Many times along the pathway of his life
There was only one set of footprints.
This seemed to coincide with
The lowest and saddest times in his life.
As this bothered him, he asked his companion:
‘God, you said that once I decided to follow You,
You would walk with me all the way.
Yet, I have noticed that during my most troubled times
There only ever was one set of footprints.
That doesn’t make any sense to me.
Why when I needed you most,
Were you not there for me?’

His companion replied:
‘My dear and precious child,
I am your Guardian Angel,
Appointed by the Highest Forces of life
To watch over every step you make.
I love you and I shall never leave you.
The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Is our God. S/He is in everything,
Therefore as much part of you as of me.
And because on the inner level all life is one,
You and I are one.
That’s why I could never desert you.
The reason for occasionally seeing
But one set of footprints is that,
During the times of humankind’s
Most severe trials and tribulations,
We Guardian Angels are allowed to
Carry our human charges for a while.

When things have come right and
You are strong enough to walk on your own again,
We have to put you down, but do not go from you.
Once more we are then working in the background
Of your life, invisible to earthly eyes,
Guiding and protecting you,
To ensure that the essence of your being,
Your spirit and soul, come to no harm.’

Created by Anon.
Adapted for the Age of Aquarius,
the time for finding out what really happens
in the spiritual background of life.
Strictly for those who are ready to receive it.

Recommended Reading:
‘The Akashic Records’

* * *​
Easter Message From The Angels

Today I would like to share with you the essence of a White Eagle teaching that appeared in Stella Polaris April/May 2007 under the title ‘An Easter Message From White Eagle given Easter Sunday 1933.’

The spiritual Universe is singing to you and your world this morning. And those whose inner ears have opened and whose hearts are tuned into the higher and highest realities of life can hear the glory of the message that at this time descends from the Heavens onto the Earth, which we are bringing to you. Alas, many in your midst are so sad and distracted by the cares of the material world that they cannot yet hear us. We are glad that ever increasing numbers of you are making good progress on their spiritual pathway.

Through sheer hard work, determination and perseverance, you have come a long way on your evolutionary road, which inevitably is strewn with the trials and tribulations that are necessary to help each one of you to grow ever more Heaven-tall. You have arrived at the point where you can hear our voices calling from the world of light, your true home: ‘Wake up, beloved children of the Earth. A new day is dawning for all those who weep.’

We are bringing you God’s message of a love that is true and eternal. Listen to the joy we, the Heavenly Hosts, are proclaiming on this day of resurrection and awakening. Since time immemorial every Easter Sunday the Universe’s spiritual power has been descending more forcefully than at other times onto the Earth. This is not just a ceremony or a form of worship of your churches.

In 1933, when we gave our original Easter message through the White Eagle group of guides, it was too early to tell you that the life story of Jesus of Nazareth is but a legend that demonstrates to humankind the behaviour of a very old and highly evolved soul, who has prepared himself for his role in the course of countless incarnations, long before your present world came into being. The man has mastered his earthly self and is at one with his Highest Self. By integrating every aspect of his nature and passing every test and initiation that was required of him, he has become a perfect being, one who is whole, holy and healed. He has evolved sufficiently to act as a channel to bring onto the Earth plane the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the third aspect of the Divine, who is all love. This legend of a Christed one was created to demonstrate to your race the pathway each one of you has to walk when their earthly education has run its course.

By now sufficient numbers of you are ready to comprehend the true meaning of the Jesus story, but in 1933 your world was still a very different one. Too few would in those days have understood what we had to say. Besides, too many still needed the comfort of believing that there really was a Master Jesus in our world, who would come to save and redeem them during the days of horror that were yet to come. The time for the revelation that there never was or will be such a being had to wait until the energies were right. This they were when the planet Pluto transited through Sagittarius, the sign of the superconscious mind.

God’s truth is unchangeable. But how much of it we reveal to you at any given moment alters in keeping with the spiritual progress you are making and your ability to understand. That’s why something that is right for you now, may no longer be valid in future years. It has to be that way. We rejoice that sufficient numbers of you by now are capable of grasping that the story of the resurrection of Jesus always was no more than a metaphor that stands for the coming alive of the Christ Spirit. It rises from its death when your earthly self becomes aware of this hidden aspect of its nature.

This is the resurrection that eventually takes place in all human souls, when they slowly begin to free themselves from being trapped in the realities of Earth life and its beliefs. This awakening is quickened by an extra powerful outpouring of the Christ energies onto your planet during the Easter period and especially on Easter Sunday. The Divine spark in all human hearts then unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun and together they bring about the renewal of all life in your world.

Easter is a spiritual rather than a religious period of the year. Mostly it is time for quiet thanksgiving because on the inner level of life the Christ Spirit within each one of you individually and also your whole planet is strengthened and fortified. Hand in hand with us turn your faces towards the great Sun of God and together let us give thanks and praise for the Great Father/Mother’s love, and for the gift of all life and lifeforms who are ever progressing towards more beautiful and perfect expressions.

Our love and special blessings are with you, always.

Happy Easter!

Recommended Reading:
‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
‘What Is Truth?’
Part A – What Is Truth?
Part B – Thou Shalt Not Kill
Part C – Where Do Our Religions Come From?
Part D – Created In God’s Image

* * *​
Oh Joyous Easter Time

Oh joyous Easter time!
With wide open hearts and on bent knees
We join the celebration of the Highest realms.
Thanks and praise to You all for waking
The Divine spark,
The seed of the Universal Christ spirit,
From its slumber in
Ever more human hearts and souls.

Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life,
All glory and honour be to Thee
For in this way sending the warmth and light
Of Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ onto the Earth.
We welcome Its living loving spirit as the
True Saviour and redeemer of us and our world.

Blessings and best wishes
I am sending with this greeting
To the worldwide circle
Of my friends and spiritual family.
Healing and peace be with you and yours,

And now please take a look at your
‘Easter Card’

With love and light,

* * *​
The Time Is Now

Time for celebration, relaxation and inspiration,
For new beginnings and finding better ways of being.
Time for fresh creation and affirmation,
For experiencing beauty and love
In more meaningful ways.

Time for living and forgiving,
For healing ourselves, each other and our world.
For listening to intuition and inspiration,
So that healing may flow through us,
Showing us ways of conducting our lives
More wholly and meaningfully.
For reaching out to each other in friendship
Learning to love wisely,
Totally and unconditionally.
Finding fulfilment by doing
Things for our planet and healing it,
Instead of merely taking from it.

Time for striving to fulfil our own Highest potential,
As well as that of all humankind and the Earth.
Every one of us doing their share of making
God’s greatest dreams and ambitions
For us and our world come true,
With our help.
Time for living in peace and kinship
With all sentient beings in this world
And our other world.

Time for freedom from all oppression,
Especially of the spiritual kind.
Shedding false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions,
Which far too long stopped us from recognising our true nature
And acting in keeping with it.
Time for walking our talk,
Living our ideals and following our
Highest aspirations by refusing to give in
To the desires of our lower earthly nature,
Resisting selfishness and greed and
Setting an example others may wish to follow.

Time for sewing fresh seeds,
In our own hearts and minds and those of others.
Mustering the courage to be heard
With the voice of our true selves,
So that we may fully become once more
That which we always have been,
Since long before all life on this planet began:
Children of God, whose true nature is love.

That’s why I’m telling you: ‘The time is now!’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
On This Special Day And Every Day

May the Road rise to meet you,
The Wind be always at your back,
The Sun shine warm upon your face,
The Rain fall soft upon your Fields,

And until we meet each other,
One of these days,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

An Irish Blessingway

* * *​
The Mountain Of Life

We are all climbing different paths up the mountain of life
And everybody sometimes must experience hardship and strife.
Many paths lead up the mountain of life,
And some of its climbs feel like the point of a knife.

Some paths are short and others are long,
Who can say which one is right or wrong?
The beauty of truth is that each way has its own song,
By listening closely we find where we belong.

So climb your own path true and strong,
But respect all other truths, too,
For your way for others may well be wrong.

Dan Inosanto
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
You Can Do It

You don’t need to be told:
‘Life’s not easy and some hills are hard to climb!’
You don’t need to be told:
‘Have patience, it’ll all come in good time!’

You’ve got enough determination
To see you through,
And if you muster the patience,
Good luck will come, too.

You may have to weather a storm or two,
But don’t put your plans on the shelf.
You’ll only get where you’re going
By believing in yourself.

So go on, give life your best shot.
Success will not pass you by,
If you remember that the only failures
Are those who never try.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
Take These Broken Wings

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again,
And learn to live so free.
And when we hear the voices sing,
The book of love will open up
And let us in.

From the Eighties Song
By Mr. Mister

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Take the broken wings of humankind’s earthly existence
And teach all of us how to fly with the help
Of Your sacred wisdom and truth,
So that it flows ever more powerfully
From Your loving heart
Into every human heart and soul
And from there into our whole world.

Under Your guidance and protection
And in accordance with Your will and wishes,
Keep on opening ever more hearts,
Until each one of us acts as a channel for the
Blessing and healing power of Your love.

Grant us the gift of understanding, so that
On the wings of Your sacred wisdom and truth
We can lift our whole world
Above the woes of our present existence
By recognising them as nothing but lessons
In the school of earthly life
And passing phases.

Recommended Reading:
‘Learning To Fly’

Recommended Viewing:
‘I can fly! I really can!’

* * *​
When The Sun Refuses To Shine

When the Sun refuses to shine on your day,
And you’re finding it hard to cope,
When you’re seeing more rain clouds
Than stars in the sky,
And you feel like giving up hope,

That’s the time when someone comes along
With a smile and a warm hug that says:
‘It’s okay – tomorrow will be a better day.
Don’t give up now, brighter moments
For you are surely on their way!’

Everything we send into our world,
Each thought, word and action,
In due course returns to us
With increased strength.
And if we reach out to someone who feels
Lost in earthly life, frightened and alone,
If we approach them with some kind words,
Accompanied by a smile and maybe a hug,
At some future point when we are
In need of comfort and support,
The kindness once given is sure
To return to us through
Someone reaching out for us.

Life is like that!

Emily Matthews
Edited by Aquarius

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