Here again

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Thank you TE and MisterBGone for even commenting, even though I deleted what I'd typed. Things are icky dark right now. So even recognizing I posted something means more than you both know tonight.
This time in wont delete. I feel like crap, like a pile of misery soaked pathetic ness. I'm sitting here going over pros and cons of going, how I would do it. If I could. I don't think I'm that brave. I just want this all to end. Please.


Safety and Support
SF Artist
SF Supporter
Hi MoAnamCara, I know it's tough when we feel like this, but try and hold on. I hope things get better for you very soon.
Take care of yourself


✅ Dancer
SF Supporter
I understand MoAnamCara! You're hurting so deeply... I can relate to your reasoning. And it pains me so. But please don't feel guilty. This disease; well hopefully one day it won't be so looked down upon--and never even mind a cure--but that people will if not empathize, at the very least understand, that all this is simply a function of our condition.
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