How Are You Feeling Right Now?


The "Perfect Life" YouTube channel is neat
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Stressed, I have a couple of things with the kids happening. I need her help with them, and that has never worked out very well. god, why did i ever marry that lunatic?

  1. View attachment 299
  2. preparing to go tomorrow to a dental clinic
  3. preparing to go from the dental clinic to my mother's place
  4. preparing to stay there a few days again and to endure my mother's pestering
  5. preparing to stay there and to read The Prince and the Pauper and Pudd'nhead Wilson in hardcover
  6. preparing again to quit smoking there
  7. preparing to read eventually Hatter's Castle in hardcover too, published cheaply in my country
Trying hard to get over loneliness. I have no one to talk to in the last 10 years, I was forcefully isolated, I did everything I could to get rid of loneliness, everyone rejected me though I was not a harm-inducing person and all the delusional thought was others', not mine.
Today was bad. A week ago I had a very bad day and was crying and couldn't stop when walking to the bus stop. When I got to the stop a friend that isn't very close like I just met him saw me and was asking what was wrong. Didn't tell him obviously and he let it go. I thought that was it. Now today he's following me around asking when why I cried and is naming things that could have happened. He doesn't get the hint I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU! He also said that I was crying out loud infront of all my friends. I just feel worse. I don't know what he says trying to do but I thought he was actually an okay person before. I just want to yell in his face I WANT TO DIE, OKAY!?! I don't know what to do.


I know the world turns and it will turn on me
SF Supporter
Unpopular and out of place. My rugby teammates will all say hi or wave when they see me, but I wish I could actually hang out with some more often. And I see them talking to people (teammates or otherwise) and I'm just here by myself.

A lot of it is my fault because I'm often too scared to express it when I want to spend more time with someone.

  1. View attachment 299
  2. preparing to go tomorrow to a dental clinic
  3. preparing to go from the dental clinic to my mother's place
  4. preparing to stay there a few days again and to endure my mother's pestering
  5. preparing to stay there and to read The Prince and the Pauper and Pudd'nhead Wilson in hardcover
  6. preparing again to quit smoking there
  7. preparing to read eventually Hatter's Castle in hardcover too, published cheaply in my country
Trying hard to get over loneliness. I have no one to talk to in the last 10 years, I was forcefully isolated, I did everything I could to get rid of loneliness, everyone rejected me though I was not a harm-inducing person and all the delusional thought was others', not mine.
Hello MondoCrane.How do you feel?Just checking on you.I know about depression and being alone.Having someone to love and be with can make the difference between life and death for many of us.Please feel free to talk.Take care of yourself.And may the force be with you......


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
Staff Alumni
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Drifting. Meaningless relationships everywhere. On the teeter about breaking up with the T and not talk to anyone about my issues anymore. No point in it at all. Just want to cut ties and let go.


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Not feeling that great at all. Still trying to wrap my head around why someone would value me highly, then act like I don't exist. But then it happens a lot, so I may just deserve it. Wondering why people say they have no support when I am always there for them. They get upset if I cannot be there 24/7, god forbid I have needs of my own. My mom won't stop drinking, you would think she would sober up now, when she needs to get her shit together, but no, of course not. She just stumbles around and bitches and forgets where she is and drinks invisible bottles of alcohol because she has no fucking idea what she is doing anymore. I worry about where the money will come from, if I will just be a loser for the rest of my life. I worry about everyone else, that is expected of me, but no one worries about me. I am really just done with all of this.


SF Supporter
My mom also talks about suicide all of the time, but then she says she is not serious, but it seems like she is. She refuses to get any type of help. I feel like I could sleep for 10 years, and I may just do that and tune my life out.


Well-Known Member
Right now I am feeling more at ease. Two days being pumped full of pain killers in hospital has had the effect they wanted if not what I did. Now at ease knowing the pain will return and I will have to do the cycle all over again.
What makes you feel this way? You can always PM me, if you want too.
Schools started and I'm already lost and behind. i already have an presentation and my frinds went with other people just to not have to be with me. I mean it's not their fault or anything. I just feel horrible and it's only been a few weeks of school.
I would pm you but... I don't know why I don't. I don't even text my therapist if something is wrong.

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