KPop Thread


Well-Known Member
Crazy how they say StayC is basic nowadays, the seem to be releasing empowering songs for a group of toddlers of whatever. I suppose I am a toddler, lol. They just scream kpop, light-hearted and easy to listen to with an important message. I havent heard such feel-good songs in Kpop since forever. It's so nostalgic and reminds me of when I was a pre-teen listening to kpop. They rly hit it with both Teddy Bear and Bubble. Precious gems in the industry indeed.


✅ Dancer
SF Supporter
Who sings that "Next Level," song? I always see it being played on the game shows, but I don't believe that any of the people covering/dancing/goofing around on, for or with it - are actually performing 'their,' song? It seems like it's a staple in the their public's conscience. But it just hasn't implanted itself on my brain yet. I know, Psy chO, though... So maybe that will score or win me some brownie points when I go to pay them a visit. It'll be just like Conan arriving at the air port. Just you wait & see~ :D

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