Memories of Those Lost but Still Loved


Well-Known Member
My sweet Shana its been over a year but it feels like yesterday. I miss you so much. I know you remember the time we were sitting in front of the grocery store and I made a comment to you that a couple of the wheel chairs looked like they were ready for a start of a race. You laughed and they gave you dirty stares. I thought they would come over and beat you up. I guess they did not know you were one of them. Love you forever my sweet turtle girl.
It's good to read these. It's good to know these people were all loved. Here's mine:

One of my best friends killed herself a little more than a month ago. She was 19. I miss her so much. She liked One Direction and Harry Potter and when we were in middle school she introduced me to Marina and the Diamonds. One time at recess she made me memorize her address and I still remember it. Her family had a Westie Terrier who died a few years ago, so I like to think that at least they're together now. I miss her so, so much.


One of my favorite things about my wife was her sense of humor.

We were hanging out with another couple one time, talking about something or other and, during the course of that, I referred to myself as “the tall guy with the beard.” Without missing a beat, she added “Sweetie, it doesn’t work if you go around telling everyb... oh, you meant on your face.”


Staff Alumni
One of my favorite things about my wife was her sense of humor.

We were hanging out with another couple one time, talking about something or other and, during the course of that, I referred to myself as “the tall guy with the beard.” Without missing a beat, she added “Sweetie, it doesn’t work if you go around telling everyb... oh, you meant on your face.”
I think I would have really liked your wife!
I lost my dog, Bob, who was 10 last year near New Year's. He was my childhood dog and I got him when I was in the second grade. He was so awesome, he slept in the bed with me and my grandma, he played tetherball with me, and played monkey in the middle with me and my grandma. He was a little purebred Boston Terrier and he was the best dog I ever had. He was a very big boy because Grandma decided that he was a full part of the family, meaning that if we ate spaghetti for dinner, Bob ate spaghetti for dinner. We had porkchops and rice for dinner? Bob had a plate of cut up porkchops for himself. I told my grandma that it was bad to feed dogs human food because that's not what's made for them, but she did it anyway. He was very playful even before the day he was put down, he had a large tumor and the paws on his feet swole up and it was hard for him to walk, he limped. We didn't wanna see him in pain, so we had to put him down. It was so hard to see him go, and to this day I'm afraid to get another pup because I don't want him to get mad at me. I still think he watches me and my family...he's still laying on the floor taking a nap with his huge belly all out there for everyone to see.


Well-Known Member
I hate starting new threads , I ...seems like I’m a bad mom but I don’t have current pictures I threw most in a ceremonial fire of healing , I do have one but I keep that locked up ( in my pillow case ) :) I sleep with my baby! I’m having a hard time I know it will pass ,but right now the world seems so small my life seems so meaningless and my lost love literally a part of me is gone and hat seems so huge! I know I will get thru this moment I am not expecting people to help me I just I guess needed some venting!this is not an anniversary or birthday no significant date today I just scrolled thru the forums ...I’d rather die than be alive alone without my baby......I know that statement to be false and I will try to tell myself that until I truly believe it but at the moment I just nee a hug I guess, that’s all


Well-Known Member
A good friend passed 5 years ago this November. I miss our Sunday walks and chats. Also miss him at the art group. Things haven't been the same without him there. He had his issues but was a good soul underneath it all.


Well-Known Member
My sweet Shana its been over a year but it feels like yesterday. I miss you so much. I know you remember the time we were sitting in front of the grocery store and I made a comment to you that a couple of the wheel chairs looked like they were ready for a start of a race. You laughed and they gave you dirty stares. I thought they would come over and beat you up. I guess they did not know you were one of them. Love you forever my sweet turtle girl.
Still and always missing you

Maggie LaSorrow

Spinster and cat enthusiast
Jody. March 2019. Suicide
Nick. March 2019. OD
Crystal. November 2017. Massive heart attack.
Sam. July 2015. Diabetic coma.

All wonderful people age 16-35 who would've given the shirts off their backs to see another smile, or give warmth on a cold winters day. All loving, tender-hearted souls who went too soon.


People really really liked Jessica. She could be a difficult one to really get to know, but she was also one that everyone was happy to see.

We used to joke that every single person in town was either an old friend of hers (because she had loads of them who we’d frequently bump into while out and about) or a cousin of mine (I come from a huge extended family, who we would also frequently bump into). One time, after we’d been together for a couple years (and known each other for a lot longer) we happened to bump into an old friend of hers who also happened to be a cousin of mine, and we each tried to introduce the other and, especially for us with our dumb inside joke, it was the funniest fuckin’ thing ever.

Anyway, the reason I started talking about her loads of friends is because I’ve never been the most social person (says the anxiety-ridden agoraphobe in the greatest understatement of the decade) and it always seemed entirely effortless to her, which I greatly admired/envied.

But she taught me her secret and, during the rare times when my anxiety takes it’s hands off from around my neck, I do my best to enact that.

And, like all secret tricks, once I tell you about it, it’s going to seem laughably simplistic and a lot of people will refuse until their dying day to accept that it could really be so easy.

So here it is.

People are extremely guarded, and constantly worry about what others will think of them if they say or do anything out of the ordinary, so they keep 99.99% of their thoughts to themselves. If you want people to notice you and like you then, whenever you think something nice about someone, just try to say it to them. Most of the time it will work out and, if they do happen to take it poorly, then fuck ‘em (not, uh, literally).


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Ohh didn't know there's a thread about this. I still miss my aunt though, not sure if we should approach my late aunt's husband or not but its still not even a year without her and I'm still giving my best prayers to my grandpa who's always back and forth to the hospital these days. My grandpa's warded again but thats like the usual day, just as long as he's not at the icu but its amazing how much patiences they both have with their life. My aunt for sure, I do look up to her. She has stroke and no kids till an old age and I can still be able to make her smile. Kitty can still make my grandpa smile too. 🥰
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My dad would have been 100 and my mum 90 this week - they shared the same birthday. I miss them in strange little ways. I was out shopping recently and passed a department store restaurant and really missed my mum. That was one thing we did together, shopping in Oxford St on Saturdays and sometimes we'd have lunch in a department store. I passed the restaurant and it looked the same (same shop, different country) and I imagined our Saturdays together. My youngest brother was her favourite, but that was my time with her and I know she enjoyed it too.


One of my favorite things my wife would do was how she'd walk up to me, grab my arm and, like, assertively put it around herself. She'd pull herself up real close alongside me and put her own arm halfway around me and either rub the back of my neck, or let her hand rest on my butt, depending on her mood.

We pretty much always had pets, dogs and cats. They'd sleep in bed with us. She liked to fall asleep while petting whichever one was nearest. If none were within arm's reach, she'd fall asleep petting my beard.

I miss falling asleep holding her. Burying my face in her hair and kissing the back of her neck.


Well-Known Member
I miss my uncle so much today. I miss going shopping in the mall together. I miss taking breaks from shopping to get pizza. I miss the Christmas dinners at his house that he would lie and say he cooked but we all knew he got catered lmao. I miss going to his favorite diner and eating disco fries, then going into cheap little dollar stores and seeing if we could find anything worth buying. I miss him calling our house and poking fun of my mom while I brought her the phone. He'd ask what I was doing and when I said nothing he'd say, "so you're just sitting there staring at a blank wall?!" He used to have us cracking up all the time. He'd tell us these outrageous tales and when we would ask my mom about it she would be laughing so hard saying that none of it ever happened and he was lying his butt off. I remember my brother and I finally pranked him back by changing his ringtone to Cher and he couldn't figure out how to change it back for a month. Once he did figure it out he decided to leave it anyway.

I miss going to see theater shows and plays with him. Last year I bought tickets to a show by myself because no one else was available but I was determined to go. The play was very popular and the whole place was packed without any spaces, but there was one seat open right next to me. When the play was over we gave a standing ovation. I had tears streaming down my face because I KNEW that my uncle had been right in that seat next to me the whole damn time. I could feel it, almost as if I'd turn my head I'd see him there.

I miss him so much my heart hurts. It's been 9 years. I don't think I will ever stop missing him.

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