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My Father hates the mentally ill.

I just witnessed my father blatantly and literally say that if he were a boss or manager, he would never hire anybody just because they had a history of being mentally ill. I became furious at this. He is my father, I also live with him. I am angry, but I hide my feelings of contempt for him. This is not the first time he has honestly stated his dispositions towards prejudice, race, sex, economic class, and age. He hates anything that is not white, a man, rich and at least more than 40 years old. He draws the exception only when he wants to get his booty call with 18 year old girls. I do not doubt he may want some girl that is younger than that age. He has disgusted me and disappointed all my life, but realizing that he would not even look at me with respect is almost unforgivable. I will tell him I love him just before his death. That's all he deserves from me, because I will not stoop down to his level and I will not condone his behavior, but in the end, he raised me and for that I will forgive him in the end. I still love his racist, sexist, ageist, conservative and bigoted soul, only because I have no one else to call a father.


🔥 A Fire Inside 🔥
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I just witnessed my father blatantly and literally say that if he were a boss or manager, he would never hire anybody just because they had a history of being mentally ill. I became furious at this. He is my father, I also live with him. I am angry, but I hide my feelings of contempt for him. This is not the first time he has honestly stated his dispositions towards prejudice, race, sex, economic class, and age. He hates anything that is not white, a man, rich and at least more than 40 years old. He draws the exception only when he wants to get his booty call with 18 year old girls. I do not doubt he may want some girl that is younger than that age. He has disgusted me and disappointed all my life, but realizing that he would not even look at me with respect is almost unforgivable. I will tell him I love him just before his death. That's all he deserves from me, because I will not stoop down to his level and I will not condone his behavior, but in the end, he raised me and for that I will forgive him in the end. I still love his racist, sexist, ageist, conservative and bigoted soul, only because I have no one else to call a father.
The one thing he seemingly did right was show you everything not to do and be. And you were smart enough to adhere to the message.


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Your dad is a rough guy. He's from another decade and time period. At least you can see that he's screwing it up and what you can do to improve as a man. You are gonna have to fine tune the details yourself though, which sucks, but you can do it.
My father used to say God gives us parents to teach us how not to behave. That was true in his/my case and definitely seems true in yours. I'm sorry your father is such a bigot. People are multi-faceted and a lot of people have good and bad qualities, although to me bigotry is hard to forgive. And lechery. Do you live with your father by choice? Hopefully he is just mouthing off and doesn't actually hold such views.

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