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My mother wanted to die

"Why Father in heaven cannot take me away already?" That's what she said long time ago, and I was there hearing all that. She said that aloud just like that and so that I could hear it all. She had a fight with my dad earlier, and I was still young back then. And later on my parents were going to have a divorce. She was ready to leave me and my sisters forever like forever?! Is it okay to leave someone's life just like that?

I cannot never forget it.
She was ready to leave me and my sisters forever like forever?! Is it okay to leave someone's life just like that?
There are a lot of people on SF who have kids. I don't think the issue is that they don't love their kids, or that they want to hurt them, it's just that if someone is really depressed or otherwise suicidal it can be hard to resist the temptation to make a suicide attempt.


Kangaroo Manager
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"Why Father in heaven cannot take me away already?" That's what she said long time ago, and I was there hearing all that. She said that aloud just like that and so that I could hear it all. She had a fight with my dad earlier, and I was still young back then. And later on my parents were going to have a divorce. She was ready to leave me and my sisters forever like forever?! Is it okay to leave someone's life just like that?

I cannot never forget it.
Sad to hear the story about your mother but glad you joined because this is a great place to reach out to others that care and welcome you. I never went through what you did so I have no practical advice but it is touch to give advice from me.


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@einimeamullaoo I understand. It really stung when she said it, and it still stings now. My mother once told me she wanted to die. She just said "I want to die". My dad and I were visiting her in the hospital. Thank goodness his hearing was so bad he did not hear her. As I watched her suffer and her health fail even more, I understood. She was a very sick lady.
Not the same circumstances as yours; but I will certainly never forget it.
It's never okay for a parent to abandon their child. Sometimes while in the grip of emotion, people will say things they don't mean, but it still hurts.

My parents had a difficult marriage and had scary fights. My father left when I was 9, and I was almost glad because the fights stopped. However my mother abused me and my younger brother.

Every child deserves good, loving parents. Did you ever tell your Mom how hurt and scared you felt when she said she wanted to die? Maybe she would understand. I'm glad she is alive. *hug10

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