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No one cares about me

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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I am feeling so alone. I often think that no one cares about me. Perhaps only my mother. I've lived so many years on this planet and I haven't managed to make friends or to have friends on the long-term.

All I have are some virtual friends, that sometimes i think they don't even care about me. When they don't write to me, I just think that they don't care anyway, who would really care about me, I am not important enough, why don't they make more time for me, they will abandon me one day etc.

Sometimes I am aware that they might be busy or have better things to do, but when they don't talk to me I am feeling useless and worthless and i have the desire to break the friendship. I always worry that the few virtual friends I am having will just abandon me.

How can I know who really cares about me, when no one seems to care about me or love me?
I am feeling so lonely, not even my relatives don't like me or think that I am weird or the "black ship."

I have recently made little progress with my life and it's hard to be told that I haven't changed at all or to be reminded of all my failures in the past, when all i need is encouragement and care.

I wish there was someone who cared about me and never left me.
I have no idea what to do about my life. My social anxiety makes me fear going outside and I always fear that someone would hurt me on the street.

Thank you for reading!
Sorry to hear that you are feeling this way Tear

All I have are some virtual friends, that sometimes i think they don't even care about me. When they don't write to me, I just think that they don't care anyway, who would really care about me, I am not important enough, why don't they make more time for me, they will abandon me one day etc
I think a lot of people these days have mostly or exclusively online friends, if they have any at all.

If you know someone from a forum or an online game or something, it's sometimes hard to keep track of people.

So some of those friends might want to be in contact with you, they just need to be reminded. Sending them a message might help to re-establish contact.

It's also the case that some people are too shallow to be able to maintain a relationship with a friend who is struggling. Some don't have the maturity to deal with it. Some just don't know what to do or say.

You're not alone in being alone. You may be able to rekindle some of your relationships or make new ones though.

I have no idea what to do about my life. My social anxiety makes me fear going outside and I always fear that someone would hurt me on the stree
Are you getting any treatment?

Thank you for reading!
You're welcome! :)
I know what you are feeling about social anxiety. I never leave my house except to go see my therapist. Its been over a year and a half. I too think that there is someone out there that is going to hurt me because it has happened so many times. The last time it happened I swore that it had to be me doing this to myself and that was when I decided that I would not leave my house. I have lost all my friends and my family. I do have a husband who works all the time and he agrees that I seem to find trouble wherever I go. Its a very lonely existence. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in feeling the way you do. I am sorry you are hurting so much.
Hello @Tear, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I sometimes feels the same about my friends and family. You’re not alone in this and nothing is wrong if you seek more attention, loneliness is indeed one if the worst feelings. No body cares and you don’t wanna get hurt is how you feel, but still you gonna get hurt couple of times from some till you find the right people. These people do exist its just hard to find them.

I hope you get over you social anxiety and be able go out and make new relationships. Best wishes and hugs.


Well-Known Member
Hi Tear, so sorry u are having such a hard time. I too have abandonment issues and so very alone. That is so wrong that they are throwing in your face the past mistakes. Especially, when u are just needing some love and care. I have found SF is a great help to me each day. Everyone here is nothing but kind and understanding. But it is a terrible feeling that no one cares for u. I feel the same way. Really hope it gets better for u soon. Take care


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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SF Supporter
I care about you Tear, I think you're extremely sweet and very appreciative :) I too feel like my virtual friends will fizzle out and I will be back at square 1 and I don't think we're the only ones feeling this way. You deserve happiness and friendship, don't stop fightig 'til you have it. You're a lovely person, nice people attract nice people, I hope you realise you're truly not alone (hugs)


Well-Known Member
If you know someone from a forum or an online game or something, it's sometimes hard to keep track of people.

So some of those friends might want to be in contact with you, they just need to be reminded. Sending them a message might help to re-establish contact.

It's also the case that some people are too shallow to be able to maintain a relationship with a friend who is struggling. Some don't have the maturity to deal with it. Some just don't know what to do or say.

I 've known some virtual people for a relatively long time, 1-2 years. They seem to care and they know what I am going through, but i just can't be sure of how much they care and if they will abandon me at some point. When they ignore/don't write to me for some time, I worry a lot (that they don't care, they will abandon me) and i feel so lonely.

Are you getting any treatment?
No, I don't. I can't afford it right now.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
I know what you are feeling about social anxiety. I never leave my house except to go see my therapist. Its been over a year and a half. I too think that there is someone out there that is going to hurt me because it has happened so many times. The last time it happened I swore that it had to be me doing this to myself and that was when I decided that I would not leave my house. I have lost all my friends and my family. I do have a husband who works all the time and he agrees that I seem to find trouble wherever I go. Its a very lonely existence. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in feeling the way you do. I am sorry you are hurting so much.
Thank you for your words. I'm really sorry to hear that you are also dealing with social anxiety and you have lost your friends and family. I am sure it;s sad and a lonely existence indeed. Hopefully your husband is/will be more understanding of what you are going through.
I am sending you hugs. Stay strong!


Well-Known Member
Hello @Tear, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I sometimes feels the same about my friends and family. You’re not alone in this and nothing is wrong if you seek more attention, loneliness is indeed one if the worst feelings. No body cares and you don’t wanna get hurt is how you feel, but still you gonna get hurt couple of times from some till you find the right people. These people do exist its just hard to find them.

I hope you get over you social anxiety and be able go out and make new relationships. Best wishes and hugs.
Thank you for the words! Yes, loneliness is among the worst feelings, sorry to hear that sometimes you feel the same about friends and family! Thanks, I also hope i will overcome social anxiety, it can be overwhelming. Take care!


Well-Known Member
Hi Tear, so sorry u are having such a hard time. I too have abandonment issues and so very alone. That is so wrong that they are throwing in your face the past mistakes. Especially, when u are just needing some love and care. I have found SF is a great help to me each day. Everyone here is nothing but kind and understanding. But it is a terrible feeling that no one cares for u. I feel the same way. Really hope it gets better for u soon. Take care
Hello Dawn,

Yes unfortunately abandonment issues are so consuming and can make us feel that people don;t care about us and such. Yes, i've noticed that some prople here are nice and supportive. Thank you for the words, take care.


Well-Known Member
I care about you Tear, I think you're extremely sweet and very appreciative :) I too feel like my virtual friends will fizzle out and I will be back at square 1 and I don't think we're the only ones feeling this way. You deserve happiness and friendship, don't stop fightig 'til you have it. You're a lovely person, nice people attract nice people, I hope you realise you're truly not alone (hugs)
It's good to hear that you care about me and think nice things about me. I think the same about you, hugs. <3


Well-Known Member
Hello Tear, do you play games online? Tell me what are you playing right now. What is your favourite game to play?
No, I don't usually play games online. I only use some forums. I don't think I have a favourite game What is your favourite?
No, I don't usually play games online. I only use some forums. I don't think I have a favourite game What is your favourite?
Oh, never mind then, my favourite game is GTA San Andreas, do you know it? What else do you like to do on internet beside visiting forums, maybe you listen youtube, or watch some movies?
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