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Psychosis Support Thread

You're welcome!
What did you have in mind?
I recommend trying acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. These links have some information:
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, World's Second Largest Medical System

Self-Treatment and Miscellaneous

I don't guarantee that these treatments would help, but there's some evidence that they can help with a variety of conditions, including mental health conditions.

If you try herbal medicine, it should be prescribed by a professional. Also, your doctor should know what herbs you plan to take, and your herbalist should know what medication you're taking.
You're welcome!

I recommend trying acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. These links have some information:
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, World's Second Largest Medical System

Self-Treatment and Miscellaneous

I don't guarantee that these treatments would help, but there's some evidence that they can help with a variety of conditions, including mental health conditions.

If you try herbal medicine, it should be prescribed by a professional. Also, your doctor should know what herbs you plan to take, and your herbalist should know what medication you're taking.
Thank you for those suggestions. I was actually going to try acupuncture last year but things derailed it and I also lost interest. Maybe I'll look into it again. As for herbal remedies, I've never been one to put much stock in them but I suppose all that matters is that they work. Obviously I'm going to keep my doc in the know so I don't have some kind of dangerous interaction (yikes).
Thank you for those suggestions
You're welcome!
Obviously I'm going to keep my doc in the know so I don't have some kind of dangerous interaction (yikes)
I think the herbs are pretty benign, but it's still a good idea to consult with your doctor. In principle even common foods can, for example, increase absorption of medicines, and in that way a food that is in itself harmless can become dangerous.


Kangaroo Manager
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Yes, I actually found this place completely by accident googling something else. I'm glad I did.

My own awareness is a bit flaky I think. Other people have had to clue me in which is not a great feeling especially if I otherwise feel okay. Hindsight is of course 20/20 with mania and psychosis and it's not until I'm stable that I realize the extent of my behavior overall.
I am glad that you found yourself here and welcome, good to see you here.


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I started experiencing symptoms maybe a couple years ago (that's when I was put on meds for it) but it's gotten worse since then unfortunately. I used to just deal with bipolar mood swings but now I suffer from psychotic symptoms whenever my brain wants to punish me more which seems to be quite a lot. Its not just the paranoia and hallucinations that are so distressing but the uncontrollable thoughts and emotions that make me into someone horrible. I still have trouble accepting all of this but most importantly the possibility that I have to live with this additional figurative demon inside me. I'm so worn out from everything else which is probably why I'm dealing with all of this stuff at once. I'm really hoping this is a transient thing and not an underlying disorder coming out. The symptoms have been improving since my antipsychotic was adjusted and now I cannot discontinue it because everything turns into a mess pretty fast. I've lost the mental clarity I had earlier this year and I still can't clearly tell between my dreams and reality as I'm living in a sort of haze.

This stuff isn't even the primary reason behind why I joined this forum, but it's pretty up there. I want everything to be okay someday.
Hey there! I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar Type and I resonate a lot of what you have described. I was initially diagnosed with Bipolar, but then I started to have psychosis out of a mood episode. I've had 3 long hospital admissions in 2 years because of it. I'm now quite medication resistant. I get one aspect right with medication then another part goes tits up. Have you got any help or support? Here if you need to chat.
Hey there! I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar Type and I resonate a lot of what you have described. I was initially diagnosed with Bipolar, but then I started to have psychosis out of a mood episode. I've had 3 long hospital admissions in 2 years because of it. I'm now quite medication resistant. I get one aspect right with medication then another part goes tits up. Have you got any help or support? Here if you need to chat.
I've been working with a therapist and I have a supportive family which helps. Of course what I go through also affects them as well. I suppose I'm not hallucinating anymore since my meds were adjusted, but I have a different standards of what counts as such than others might. If it's not actively causing distress I just do my best to ignore it.

Pebble mouse

SF Pro
YES!!! I have found the solution to my weekly psychotic episodes. I tend to get very agitated and then the psychotic issues arise - very intrusive hallucinations etc. Today it began and I took 2mg of clonazepam and within 20 minutes I was fine!! This is a big breakthrough. I will ask my doctor if I can officially go back on it PRN. So happy!! It's been torture.

Citizen Insane

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YES!!! I have found the solution to my weekly psychotic episodes. I tend to get very agitated and then the psychotic issues arise - very intrusive hallucinations etc. Today it began and I took 2mg of clonazepam and within 20 minutes I was fine!! This is a big breakthrough. I will ask my doctor if I can officially go back on it PRN. So happy!! It's been torture.
*agreed I have noticed the same thing happening all those years ago for me. - At the time I was using Haloperidol for the first time after 6 months of having experienced a continuous psychosis. After taking the medication I noticed something changing within 30 minutes ~ 1 hour or so - it gave me so much relief. *shake I could really see the obsessive (delusional) thoughts fade away like snow flakes before the sun.

The thing with psychosis is, is that often when you're experiencing it - most of the time you're not going to be aware of the fact that you are experiencing a psychosis. It was part of the delusional thoughts I was having and I didn't have any visual / auditory hallucinations. I'm not sure what me made take medication in the end, since nobody in my environment noticed the changes in me - I only talked to my psychiatrist and said that I had these extremely obsessive thoughts.


Spoonful of sugar will help the medicine go down
I was 15yrs old when the drs diagnosed me with major depressive disorder with psychotic features. I dont remember a time when I did not hear shit that isn't there so it's pretty normal to me,

Pebble mouse

SF Pro

I have a psychotic episode about 2-3 times a week. Had one yesterday and another today. The clonazepam brings it under control after about an hour, but It's still unpleasant. I have no idea if this shit will ever stop - I presume no.

I can't deal with this until the natural end of my life.

So now I am seriously thinking about "it". The death of my friend is also driving these thoughts.

I feel so lost..


Well-Known Member
Seeing how popular the BPD support thread is, I though I'd start one for psychosis. Psychosis is not specific to one type of illness, it spans across many illnesses. Also, anyone who suffers with intrusive thoughts or pseudo hallucinations are welcome to post in this thread.

So when did your psychosis start and what is your diagnosis?

I had my first psychotic experience in 2011 when I was 20. My psychosis has got worse over the years as has my level of function. I am now diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder.
I’m not sure what counts as full blown psychosis but I had an episode lasting quite a long time in 2006 (I can’t remember how long exactly) when I was 18, I believed that every mirror and tv in my house was a two way mirror and people were watching me through them. I had a mirror in the bathroom in front of the toilet which I would cover up anytime I went. I would stand very close to the mirror to try and hear the people inside and I’d run past them so they couldn’t see me and monitor my movements. I also thought people were hiding in the bushes outside my house and I would frequently stand at the window to try and catch them out. I believed my Mum (who I was living with at the time) was conspiring against me with her new boyfriend and I would be very aggressive and violent towards her. I snapped her phone in half because she was contacting him in front of me. I’ve not experienced anything like this since then but I do have delusions such as people are going to attack me when I’m out, or if I’m in a crowd of people I believe there will be a terrorist attack. I’ve been recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder but I have a lot of eupd traits which I think is quite common in people with bipolar.
I’m sorry to hear that your psychosis has gotten worse and that you find it harder to function, I hope things get better for you.


Childless Cat Lady™ (in drag)
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The closest thing I've come to in terms of anything resembling a psychotic episode was severe paranoid delusions after consuming a large amount of a certain psychedelic substance. This was decades ago, a year or two after starting college. It was the most frightening experience of my life. Fortunately, there were no long term adverse effects after the drug wore off (although I believe the experience played a role in triggering the dysthymia/PDD I still deal with today).

I have read everyone's story and I sympathize. I hope you all can find some effective tools to help cope with your illnesses that will bring you a measure of peace in your lives.


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I'm struggling a bit with the voices. They have kinda come out of nowhere. They aren't too bothersome but I don't want them to get worse.
Mine stopped with heavy meds then a change of scenery. When the pandemic first reached me it was classical music. I have also wished for stigmata to fade away.

Pebble mouse

SF Pro
Well, the inevitable has happened. The clonazepam has stopped working. I have developed a tolerance. I took one tonight and it had ZERO effect. I should have been smart enough to work out this would happen. Stupidly I put myself back on this crappy drug because I thought it would help. And it DID for a few months, but now I am back at square one and will need to be weened off this evil drug yet AGAIN. It was getting less and less effective over time. Fuck, I'm frustrated beyond belief. Intrusive voices all afternoon/evening. I am having very dark thoughts. I'm not quite at the stage I will act on them, but they are there and I have a plan that CANNOT fail. If I give it another go I will not fail again. I have had two close brushes with death and was furious when I survived. No more screwups, if I go back there.
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That medication provides fast relief. It was prescribed to me for panic attacks, supplementary to a too strong medication on a short term basis. My theory about that summer concerns coping mechanisms. Give yourself time to rest... please don’t shy away from better care. You deserve better. You are unique in all of the sameness... that is something.
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