I dont usually think of myself as an aspie, not really, but on days like today NTs (Neurotypicals) royally piss me off. I essentially got told today that everyone at work hates me, and out of ALL of them only one was upfront about it, and we actually get on fine, he only hates me at work (and I dont much like him at work either), but we hang out outside of work, he compartmentalises and is very straight forward, he makes sense (and is almost certainly an aspie) what pisses me off is everybody else, smiling through their teeth and rather than discussing any issues they bitch to the boss and decide they hate me, no conversation, no attempts at forming a proper working relationship, just "oh no, I hate him, dont make me work with him." How the FUCKING HELL and I supposed to work with these arseholes and avoid hurting their feelings if they ACTIVELY pretend all is ok and blame me for their issues!? I'm trying to accommodate them and get on with them, but they do their best to not let me see how to do that! And its not like I can just "be normal" because my workplace is full of oddballs! From the guy who seems to hate emotion to the guy who freaks out if anyone talks to him! What's worse is that this isnt just a work thing, I see it ALL THE DAMNED TIME! No one is every honest with each other, if they have a problem they just decide "Oh he is a bastard" and write you off! They just cant be bothered to put in ANY effort to get along with anyone and then lash out at anyone who says a single word wrong without a HINT of the benefit of the doubt and then they call ASPIES developmentally challenged??
What it all comes down to is the idea of "Majority Rules" and "Different is Wrong". Its bloody tribal mentality, they gravitate to those who are like them and actively reject the rest secure in the knowledge that they are right to do so, well they are wrong, they are under evolved morons idealising behaviour that is responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with this world! Racism, Bigotry, Bullying, Prejudice, Stigma of Mental Health Issues, every Genocide, most wars, it all stems from "Different is wrong". The majority get together and call themselves "right" and hunt down everyone else! Aspies arent the weird ones, it is the "Normies" that make no sense! They are supposedly the social lot but they are the ones who refuse to make any effort to be empathetic or even the least bit tolerant of anyone else. I sometimes feel like I joined the Masons and no one bothered to give me a manual to all the rituals and secret handshakes and bollocks and instead just shun me and judge me for getting it wrong! Its all bullshit pageantry anyway! Just make sense for a change!
Just look at the people around you generally they dont make any effort to change to make you comfortable do they? To act in a way that is easier for you, but they constantly demand you do so for them dont they? Hypocrites! I have honestly been told off by a supposedly "normal" "sane" person for ruining his mood by being angry after HE is the one who MADE me angry in the first place by being so rude and demanding that no one, even NTs would have missed it!
It is MADENNING! Now I have to walk on eggshells at work again because those fucking idiots dont like me (which is THEIR problem) for various reasons which only happened because they refused to let me know anything was wrong! Tell me, which would a SANE person do first?? Discuss a problem with someone you are struggling to work with, or make an ultimatum "You fire him or I quit?". WHO THE FUCK would threaten to quit a job BEFORE even letting anyone know there is a problem??? WHO would try to sabotage others rather than just trying to work out their problems? Who would insist the boss never make them work with someone again whilst doing EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to convince the person they cant stand that they are getting on fine??? What daft arsehole waits 4 YEARS to drop the act that you two are best friends and confront you about how she cant stand the way you treat her when you were taking your lead from HER!? Who is THAT MENTALLY TWISTED?! You know who? FUCKING EVERYONE!!! THEY ARE ALL MAD!!!! I fucking swear I come on HERE just to meet someone actually MENTALLY STABLE FOR A CHANGE!!! Compared to all those freaks I find the rationality and sanity on this forum a FUCKING RELIEF! THATS WHY I COME HERE!
I swear most of you here are probably only struggling because you have had to live in a world dominated by that demented horde! I know I am. They only call us crazy because when insanity is the sanity of the day, the rational are marked as mad!
What it all comes down to is the idea of "Majority Rules" and "Different is Wrong". Its bloody tribal mentality, they gravitate to those who are like them and actively reject the rest secure in the knowledge that they are right to do so, well they are wrong, they are under evolved morons idealising behaviour that is responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with this world! Racism, Bigotry, Bullying, Prejudice, Stigma of Mental Health Issues, every Genocide, most wars, it all stems from "Different is wrong". The majority get together and call themselves "right" and hunt down everyone else! Aspies arent the weird ones, it is the "Normies" that make no sense! They are supposedly the social lot but they are the ones who refuse to make any effort to be empathetic or even the least bit tolerant of anyone else. I sometimes feel like I joined the Masons and no one bothered to give me a manual to all the rituals and secret handshakes and bollocks and instead just shun me and judge me for getting it wrong! Its all bullshit pageantry anyway! Just make sense for a change!
Just look at the people around you generally they dont make any effort to change to make you comfortable do they? To act in a way that is easier for you, but they constantly demand you do so for them dont they? Hypocrites! I have honestly been told off by a supposedly "normal" "sane" person for ruining his mood by being angry after HE is the one who MADE me angry in the first place by being so rude and demanding that no one, even NTs would have missed it!
It is MADENNING! Now I have to walk on eggshells at work again because those fucking idiots dont like me (which is THEIR problem) for various reasons which only happened because they refused to let me know anything was wrong! Tell me, which would a SANE person do first?? Discuss a problem with someone you are struggling to work with, or make an ultimatum "You fire him or I quit?". WHO THE FUCK would threaten to quit a job BEFORE even letting anyone know there is a problem??? WHO would try to sabotage others rather than just trying to work out their problems? Who would insist the boss never make them work with someone again whilst doing EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to convince the person they cant stand that they are getting on fine??? What daft arsehole waits 4 YEARS to drop the act that you two are best friends and confront you about how she cant stand the way you treat her when you were taking your lead from HER!? Who is THAT MENTALLY TWISTED?! You know who? FUCKING EVERYONE!!! THEY ARE ALL MAD!!!! I fucking swear I come on HERE just to meet someone actually MENTALLY STABLE FOR A CHANGE!!! Compared to all those freaks I find the rationality and sanity on this forum a FUCKING RELIEF! THATS WHY I COME HERE!
I swear most of you here are probably only struggling because you have had to live in a world dominated by that demented horde! I know I am. They only call us crazy because when insanity is the sanity of the day, the rational are marked as mad!