What have you accomplished today?


Well-Known Member
Did some heavy lifting at work all day. Made some calzones after work, drank some beers. Found a good hiding spot for my beers so my alcoholic dad won't get them. (In the basement between the couch and the dresser)(shh, don't tell)


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more. Actually, I've got plenty of cheese for pizza. What that means is that I can make my weekend super special beautiful pizza without having to go out and interact with stupid humans. Sometimes the random dice roll is cool ;)
I do love me some cheese. That's for sure. I managed to have some really good cheese stix (yes stix is how they spell it) from our local bar/restaurant. Certainly better than their onion rings.


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I managed to get up, shower and go to work despite feeling dreadful. The fact that I spent most of the day silently crying at the back of a lecture theatre hopefully doesn't take too much away from the fact that I made the effort to be there.

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