Writting the letter

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Antiquities Friend
walked across the bridge...its so beautiful almost sureal, the mist moving past the IDS building, and the wells fargo building glowing gold...I talked with my mom, she is worried, i guess she can tell when her son isnt right. Im really wanting to just go ahead and do it tonight...but i do so enjoy spinning...


Well-Known Member
walked across the bridge...its so beautiful almost sureal, the mist moving past the IDS building, and the wells fargo building glowing gold...I talked with my mom, she is worried, i guess she can tell when her son isnt right. Im really wanting to just go ahead and do it tonight...but i do so enjoy spinning...
Yes, mums know before you even say anything. Nice to hear you had a nice stroll thru the city....the skyscrapers always enahnce the city's beauty. I'm going to google that bridge as I think I know which one it is....

Please take a few moments to regroup and really understand those emotinally charge feelings that send us flying....in the line of fire, we tend to run. You know?

My boss spins too...what kind of music do you specialize in?


Antiquities Friend
I Spin Goth/Industrial/EBM/Darkwave/Aggro Tech/and Psy Trance. I DJ at Ground Zero one of the bigger goth clubs in the american Goth scene.

The bridge I speak of collapsed a few years ago...killed several people, they rebuilt it and its one of the more beautiful bridges in the city...the have hidden led blue lights all over the thing.


Well-Known Member
I Spin Goth/Industrial/EBM/Darkwave/Aggro Tech/and Psy Trance. I DJ at Ground Zero one of the bigger goth clubs in the american Goth scene.

The bridge I speak of collapsed a few years ago...killed several people, they rebuilt it and its one of the more beautiful bridges in the city...the have hidden led blue lights all over the thing.
oh yeah, I remembe that collapse!!!! This is the new one right?

oh wow, how old are you? sounds like spinnning if our joy and passion?


Well-Known Member
I am 28 years of hell old....

I have been spinning since I was 14...I do enjoy it, but life has just sucked all joy of anything away from me.
Once upon a time did you drink alot.....my gf's exbf was a Dj and they use to drink heavily....always the fast nite life..never a slow moment.

When you feel the life has been sucked out, it's time to step back and recharge.....start doing the little things that build us back up....like the walk you did tonite....onee thing I learned, was to breathe correctly. Drink water! Rest as it is crucial.
Wow has it been some time since I seen you on here Gothic... You might remember me as Mrdepressed.. I have wondered what was up for you these past few years. I was hoping that your not being here was a good sign.

I am sorry to hear that things are not doing well for you and I really hope that you are able to find it in you to keep on spinning and coming here..

There is possibilities for things to look up and get better in life.


Antiquities Friend
well i just took some sleeping pills...not an attempt, just need my sleep...not sleeping much in 4 days sucks...but that was an hour ago and the pills are outa date so...i dont think they are working...

I used to drink alot, but not much anymore, although i plan on tomorrow just getting all F'ed up...thats the best way to do it...right?

its good to see you to man.:sleepy:
Really hope that you reconsider taking drastic actions and that you return here on a more frequent basis.. Their are a lot of new faces around and it would be nice having you as an active community member again. :)


Antiquities Friend
well i dont think i have a choice tonight...must be fate...went a bit too deep, and really dont feel like explaining myself to the person doing the sutures...im gonna see if it will stop...(im a dumbass)


Antiquities Friend
well my roomate knows my plans, and i think he is in awe. we had a long talk...and I still feel the way i do, he knows this and is unwilling to let me out of his sight. I will dj my massive set and say goodbye...now where i go from there...i have no clu. Is it back home with various methods there, could take a stroll to the bridge........or on the way, i could just pissoff one of Minneapolis's finest.


Well-Known Member
It's hard for me to say "things will get better" in fact, I can't. That'd a empty promise, and you know that.

But I can say things might get better.

If you don't run, the race don't happen.

Dyings gotta happen someday. But it doesn't have to be today.

Stick around bro.
I can say that things will get better, and it isn't an empty promise.

The trick is that you need to make them better. Once you realize that you can empower yourself you'll start to see things change for the better. Start to work on a more positive attitude, make some lemonade. One way that I did it was for 30 days, I wore a thick elastic rubber band and every time I had a negative thought, I would snap it on my wrist. After I got a huge welt on my wrist, my thought process started changing.

Focus on one thing you want to change about yourself, and work from there. It's not an easy process really, but you need to get started somewhere. After you pick out that one thing, go out and search for studies on it, Google it, ask strangers on the internet. Looking at things individually instead of a gigantic project can go a long way. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it.


Antiquities Friend
I finnaly got some sleep...ive tried looking for goodness, looking for something to keep me going...My plan will happen tonight...either it works, or I get arrested, or committed...but something has to happen, anything(even if that means nothing), has to break me from this pain, this torment...Im just so tired.:lone:
I finnaly got some sleep...ive tried looking for goodness, looking for something to keep me going...My plan will happen tonight...either it works, or I get arrested, or committed...but something has to happen, anything(even if that means nothing), has to break me from this pain, this torment...Im just so tired.:lone:
Don't give up man. How do you think your moms is going to feel when she finds out her son is gone? It'll crush her. Stop looking at life as a chore, you'll feel better.


Well-Known Member
Don't give up man. How do you think your moms is going to feel when she finds out her son is gone? It'll crush her. Stop looking at life as a chore, you'll feel better.
I can tell you how your Mum will feel if you do this....
her world will collapse..she will fall into the biggest black hole of grief...
she will feel guilt, blame, anger, grief, depression, etc...
she will never be the same again...
she will probably want to join you....
life as she knew it would be over.....
there will be no word in the alphabet to describe how she feels....
don't hurt yourself....
go get help now...
go talk to your mum if it stops you..
just do something to stay and try to get better...
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