• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Lexy-Time Waster

    I Finally Graduated- help me celebrate

    I finally graduated college yesterday and I felt like I had no one to celebrate with! None of my classmates even took a picture with me sigh and I looked good too. I spent so much money on Hair and makeup and I looked beautiful, I got compliments from them but I’m just not close enough to anyone...
  2. eleanorhikari

    I just told my parents...

    I'm their youngest daughter thousands of miles away from home in another country and I finally just sent my parents probably the most difficult thing I ever wrote telling them about my attempted suicide in February. It's sent now so no going back, but I'm waiting for a reply and I am just...
  3. eleanorhikari

    Can't say anything

    I'm living in Japan at the moment. I tried to commit suicide in late February <mod edit> Obviously, I failed. I'm 21 and a student and live alone. But I haven't talked about it to anyone. I told people not to visit me in hospital, or if they did come I told them I was in there for a different...