• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Feelings of a Male high school senior with Extreme self-hatred issues

    Hello. Mark, isn’t my real name, just.... something. Anyway, I’m in a rather unique situation even for people with depression in that: -I move every few years with my family. I have never had friends, but not for that reason... -I apparently am easily manipulated. Every single person who I ever...
  2. Jack D

    About time I admitted it..

    So.. its been a long time since I posted anything on this website. I thought I was okay, I thought I was stable and things were finally looking up... but I think I was just kidding myself. I think its about time I admitted something that I suppose I should have known all along. I am/was in an...
  3. Rob F

    Angry at my friends lives....it wears me down...

    Aaaah! I don't want to feel it and I shouldn't feel this way at this age (30s) but I find myself plunging into a whole host of emotions from anger, depression, upset and self loathing when I see a friend has done something fun, gone on a trip or organised something and I'm not included. I can...
  4. Lee Hadfield

    Mental health

    Hi my names Lee I'm 27 and have been suffering with depression ever since I was 17 and recently iv been feeling really horrible and suicidal and spaced out in a world of my own and looking up differnt organisations and it's stupid how the phones are only on from 9am till 4;30pm I think it's...