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  1. Jack D

    Practical Advice Wanting to isolate myself from friends

    I will need to explain a few things first so that I can get the right advice for this context, sorry for the long read. Until a few weeks ago, I used to be fairly cold and stubborn when it came down to what was on my mind and refusing to talk about things with anybody until I basically had a...
  2. Mayarian

    anyone know the way to cope to your daily pressure after a long time?

    Today is my last holiday. I got around 4 weeks holiday, and gonna face my study again tomorrow. For information, Im on my professional license's study/training for become a licensed in a certain medical field(sorry that I cant really spill a detail bcs Im scarred if someone may know me) and my...
  3. CandleLight

    So, a friendship just ended...

    One of my most significant friendships just ended. But I have felt for a long time that it wasn't particularly healthy for me. Something that I do that keeps me invested in (and in pain from) bad relationships is to spend a whole lot of time focusing on the good things in people. I think this...
  4. C

    Too dependent

    I feel like I rely on people to much. I don't know how to do a lot of things a 22 year old should be able to do. I worry able if I'll ever get my driving license, how to get insurance on things, health care, I even had a nightmare about not knowing how to fill out a bank deposit slip. I get my...
  5. imalone

    My head is caving in and I'm about to break

    I am always stressed and worried about everything. Even the smallest insignificant things like: answering questions in class or where I'm going to sit for an assembly. Whenever I complete or get through what I was worrying about I just find something else to worry about and dwell on. It never...