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You're special, sweet child
I feel so overwhelmed, and my job is making me sick at this point. I hate it. But I can't do anything else, I feel like I'm too weak to handle this 9/5 workday thing. I want to be free, to be free of these burdens, to be myself, to be happy.
But reality won't have it. And I will suffer like everyone else. I don't have time for anything other than work my ass off, and wish my life ended with each day.
Knowing that, life is basically a torture. It's the only answer I can find. There's no other way to call this.
I feel desperate. And without an way out. I feel like I should just quit it all together, just quit my job, abandon my home and family and go to a corner of the forest to stay quietly until the end.
But can I do it? I'm too weak to work how the others do, I'm too weak to quit life, how could I abandon everything?
Ugh, I should make a choice, but it will forever change everything. And even if I choose anything, will I be free?


You're special, sweet child
What would you like about going to the forest? What would you not like?
I would be able to be myself in the forest, no judgments, no one bossing me around, I would be creative and make art, and live life on my rythmn, no strings attached. And when I feel like it, I would just let myself fade away without the crying and suffering of others.

I wanna be a cat XD

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