I want to genually kill myself but I have no way in doing so. I have 0 friends and I have 0 purpose in life other than to waste peoples fucking time. Nobody genually loves me or ever reaches out to me because people know I am a waste of space that should get a rope. I work a shit job that barely pays anything to keep my sanity and my job makes the ropefuel go up even more. I feel entirely worthless. I will forever be a perma virgin incel who will never get any sign of affection from a women. I am 23 and just want to die already. I dont get why scuide is not an acceptable option for me since I am such a low life compared to every human being who has ever lived. I am done I want to kill myself but I can't because I am too weak to do it. I am just suffering hell on earth at this fucking point. I will never enjoy anything. Killing myself is the only way end suffering.