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  1. Mr. Bauta

    Therapy Prep

    I haven’t been to therapy in so long, roughly 6 years ago. I only stopped because my therapist left for something else or moved (can’t really recall). What should I prepare for? I’m unsure of what to expect going again for the beginning. I’d namely need to avoid smothering the poor counselor...
  2. ib4uib

    I Am Not So Sure You Will Hear This?

    But watch it as soon as you wake up tomorrow morning, use it as an alarm clock if you like.... 🆆🅰🆃🅲🅷 🆃🅷1🆂 All The Way To The Very End, And Not The End Of The Link Above. ˙ʇsıl ǝɥʇ ɟo doʇ ǝɥʇ uo ɥɔʇıʍs ⅄∀˥ԀO⊥∩∀ ǝɥʇ ǝlqɐuǝ 'uǝɥ⊥ ˙soǝpıʌ pǝpuǝɯɯoɔǝɹ ɟo ʇsıl ɐ ǝǝs llıʍ noʎ ǝɹǝɥʍ ǝpıs...
  3. WhiteRice

    I dont know if I can enjoy life anymore. Nothing is worth living in life and I have 0 purpose. Why is scuide not acceptable if I am a giant waste.

    I want to genually kill myself but I have no way in doing so. I have 0 friends and I have 0 purpose in life other than to waste peoples fucking time. Nobody genually loves me or ever reaches out to me because people know I am a waste of space that should get a rope. I work a shit job that barely...
  4. ellierose

    Will I die?

    Yes, I went to get my arm checked out due to a problem after a SH situation, I have felt okay over the last week until now, I have been crying myself to sleep I can't stop thinking about what my dad did to me, I keep blaming myself as other things that have happened keep getting brought up and...
  5. Dante

    If you helped someone, would you wish to know?

    I always assumed that if you helped someone in a significant way, it would be something you wished to know, something that would make you happy to know, but I had a conversation recently that suggested some people dont care if they know or not. I just thought I would post a poll, feel free to...
  6. BrotherV56


    I know that on <mod edit - timeline>, my mother will be dead. She has been telling me for months at this point that she will kill herself come this time. She is 47, her health is terrible (physical and mental), she has no friends, does not talk to anyone, does not leave the house, and has zero...
  7. Soda-Voxel

    How to unlearn toxic behaviours?

    I always try my best to be a kind person, but my mental health struggles can often cause me to be toxic and frankly very cruel towards friends and family. Some examples of this are: I vent to others without prior permission or warning. I rely on others too heavily for help when they are...
  8. Soda-Voxel

    Where should I start when it comes to recovery?

    I've been depressed and self hating for many many years and it has gotten so so terribly bad recently. I've finally decided I want to start and try to recover/be better/idk how else to call it, but I have no idea where to start. I don't have access to therapy at the moment, especially due to...
  9. Dante

    What exactly is this feeling?

    We have every mental issue there is all under one roof in this forum, from a normal reaction to a bad month/year/life to severe diagnosable dysfunction, so since my Google-Fu is a little hit and miss, I wanted to ask this congregation of the extremely qualified if there is a specific name to...
  10. hermit21

    Ideas & Opinions Verbal/Emotional Abuse???

    Hi, I’m 17, and I think my parents may be verbally/emotionally abusing me but I’m uncertain. They make negative comments/jokes that I find insulting to my appearance and my intelligence, among other things. They reserve the right to go through my phone with or without my permission or knowledge...
  11. auburnfrog

    no reason to live

    Is there ever such thing as a 'reason to live'? At least I don't have one. There is nothing in my life to look forward to - even if there is, I don't want to hold onto something as uncertain as the future because it's only going to give me false hope and disappoint me. I try to think about the...
  12. Beyond_Χάρη

    Young Teens

    Hey, If you are a young teen like me *hiya this is a place for you. -Benjamin Franklin
  13. Feinmharu


    So recently I have had a bit of free time. Still working, but work is slow. Still a bit stressful. Moving, new state, new job, etc. BUT... I (had to look up term, no health insurance, doc, therapist...) am disassociating bad. Like I dont remember doing work. Still getting things done from what I...
  14. xXFaiaEmburemXx

    Work won’t let me take off despite living with a family member at high risk for COVID-19?

    The first case of the Coronavirus has been discovered in my town and lucky me, I work at the grocery store in town. I still live with my folks so I’m with them while all the schools are shit down. My parents want me to take off work so that I don’t kill them. My father has a very weak immune...
  15. Tana

    Mental Illness develops on reaction?

    I've had many brushes of what seemed to be something serious. To some I reacted badly, others, I managed to conquer before the thoughts would consume me. Before I share some random ideas of how I reacted/conquered certain ideas, I want you to take note not everyone has the same experience/it's...
  16. Tana

    Favorite meditation/s?

    If you know of any videos, audios which helped you with what you're dealing with either temporarily or otherwise, post them here. Here's one which gave me a sense of relief a good few times (aimed at depression): For social phobia, listening to loud noises and such helped a lot, allowing...
  17. darkdaisy

    i want out.

    i have been having severe thoughts of suicide lately. and more... even in my dreams. the one time where i think i’m at peace and think i will take a short break from reality. no. i cry myself to sleep at night. i get picked on during the day. it’s even seeped through into my dreams. my thoughts...
  18. A

    I don't know what to do anymore

    Anybody else on here have a legit fear of other people or feel like you're so socially inept to the point where you can not communicate with the majority of other people? My mom and social worker came to visit today they were giving me crap about not leaving the house and not working i feel...
  19. Mayarian

    How to keep your mouth under control?

    I had this bad habit for all of my life. I usually very very quiet, my friends keep complaining when I dont say anything when we're together(I only listening to them). I tried my best to keep silent because I had this habit, I always and always make people mad everytime I caught off guard and...
  20. CBunny9

    Got sent home from work yesterday

    My boss noticed I wasn’t quite myself and brought me into her office. She’s super sweet and kind and lovely and she made sure I understood this was not boss-to-employee, but rather human-to-human, and asked if I was okay. I basically had a total breakdown in her office and told her how I’ve been...