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I'm leaving University!! :O

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Active Member
After struggling through my first year at uni and nearly failing, then convincing myself i can get better and just work harder in my second year i've worn myself out sooooo much and feel worse than ever and know that i'm jst gonna fail this year if i carry on. And i'm scared if i try and carry on im just gonna feel more and more suicidal and actually end up doing it, which makes me terrified.
So i've decided to take the rest of the year off, away from stress and concentrate in getting better and doing the things i love so that i can return next year recovered (hopefully) and more confident and determined to finish my degree. It was a really hard decision cos ill be in the year bellow away from all my freinds and i wont know anyone but i know that its the right thing to do. And since making the decision i feel SOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER ALREADY! i cant believe how stressed uni made me feel! And a lot of my depression is heavily linked to my academic life and self confidence, so taking a year out will really benefit me ^_^ I'm so glad i had the strength to do it and admit that i need time to feel better.
Now i just need to tell all my friends and family :confused:


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And i'm scared if i try and carry on im just gonna feel more and more suicidal
Have you thought about how you are going to feel and cope when you eventually go back?

determined to finish my degree
Do finish your degree you need it in this world :) I have no degree but hope to one day have one. It doesn't define who you are of course but it will possibly get you a good job and good income, you can do this :)

I'm so glad i had the strength to do it and admit that i need time to feel better.
I think you are very brave to have made this decision and I hope it works out @Arwen I truly hope you heal in your time out and be ready for the next few years ahead of you. Take this time out to work on your mental and physical health :) You are in good hands here and we will support you no matter what you choose to do.

Now i just need to tell all my friends and family
Best of luck and I hope they will understand, if they don't they will get over it :) Do what YOU feel is right. It is YOUR life :)

Good luck and best wishes :)


Well-Known Member
U have made a tough decision and I'm glad u are feeling better. Have u tried meds and therapy? That way u will be able to cope better when u go back and help u now. Like Petal said, no matter what we will always be here for u. Best wishes with everything. Take care


Active Member
Thanks so much @Petal :):) i'm hoping that when i return i'll me more myself and much less stressed and hooopeflly recovered so ill be able to cope with the workload better, and have more confidence in my abilities so i should be able to study better ad actually enjoy my subject more. Thanks again :)


Active Member
U have made a tough decision and I'm glad u are feeling better. Have u tried meds and therapy? That way u will be able to cope better when u go back and help u now. Like Petal said, no matter what we will always be here for u. Best wishes with everything. Take care
Thanks Dawn! :) I'm on meds and i'm seeing a counsellor, but ive found that its impossoble for me to get better while being under uni stress and having to revise and do courswork and everything, so hopefully away from all that with my meds and stuff ill be able to feel better :) Thanks again :):)
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