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Insomnia? Welcome to Team NoSleep.


Last person awake? Been awake for ever? Giddy? Slap-happy? Tearful? Angry? Manic?
This is your place. Mark yourself “safe from nightmares” and share your thoughts.

Why are you awake? Anxious, nervous, mad, happy, pain, loud neighbors, hot, cold, stormy, scared, no reason?
What time is it? Do you have to be up soon?

Ramblings of an insomniac encouraged.


SF Supporter
I just took a sleeping pill. Happened that I had slept 2 hours later in the morning than I normally do. Seems to be the cause but I was so exhausted from the week I couldn’t help myself. Since it’s almost 1 am and the alarm goes off at 7 I will be tired tomorrow when I have a lot of driving to do.


SF Supporter
Nice to see this thread, thanks for it @Flamingo. I got lucky (joking) and got woken up to loud dog barking by the morons that live behind me who also decided to turn on their floodlights as well. It's a situation that occurs several times a month and they are not approachable. So the sleeping pill I took which takes me to 3 or 4am was a waste. I've been with this sleeplessness situation for about 5 years. Comes with the medical things that started then. Nothing helps and I've tried it ALL. So now a doctor gives me sleeping pills since last year and they work for a few hours. Still not enough. And I can't nap during the day, never have been able to do that. Ugh is right.


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
I am so a member of this club.

I've always had insomnia. I've taken every pill known to US sleep medicine.

I thought with the diagnosis of sleep apnea things would get better. Well, I have a state of the art bipap and oxygen and I still don't sleep.

Unfortunately diazepam worked a treat for me and sleep - too well, hence my current issues! It's absolute hell knowing 10mg would knock me out for the night - but then I'd have to start my taper all over again and even a night's sleep wouldn't be worth the consequences. Gaba-ergic withdrawal insomnia is its own special kind of hell 😒

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