This is the last part of a documentary called "The esoteric agenda" This documentary touches the subject of the occult knowledge aka The
Hidden Knowledge. It takes a look at politics, religion, conspiracy and consciousness. An eye-opening film with an encouraging message. Don't believe, seek the truth.
Hi Myaing, Ok, I'm back. I have lots of thoughts about this documentary but i want to mention the things the disturbed me first to get them said and hopefully out of the way. i was both fascinated and bothered a bit by this:
i found the video very interesting and helpful in relation to my own belief system, but something really bothered me. that was to have to listen to that repetitive music in the background. i felt as if it was there to hypnotize the viewer and at the very best was a poor choice of background music that made listening to the words difficult for me. it is very important to mention this because as a result i felt that the music was undermining the intent of the message.
i also felt that much of the specific information was dealt with superficially and further explanation and detail is necessary. of course this being a part of a greater documentary, that further information may be elsewhere. i also found the written information shown, was too hard to see clearly so i did not get any of that down but that may indicate where i might be able to find more information as well. and finally, i do have to view it at least once more because i am not sure i understand everything it was trying to say.
as i mentinoed above, i do find the entire video to be quite fascinating. it deals with much that i am always thinking about. i have quite a few posts and resulting conversations that have touched on issues mentioned here and would be very happy to discuss this again and in greater depth if you or anyone else is interested.
for myself, i have developed my own spiritual thinking over many years that i try to describe that seems to fit in somewhat with what is being said here. i also just happened to mention to someone the other day about a conversation i once had with a relative that to me was the early phase of my thinking these days. what i said is as follows:
“that i doubted everything, questioned the existence of everything etc etc etc” my relative then said to me, “’re talking like you’re crazy. this is how crazy people think”.
i think that he was giving me the benefit of the doubt because we were family. i think he was pretty sure i was crazy. what i was trying to tell him is that it is a real thing to be questioning everything. isn’t that something they are suggesting in this video?
in my opinion, doubt and finding answers is why we are here. for my own spiritual beliefs, i believe that we are here to help the spirits. helping the spirits is our job. i believe that we are the vehicle for spirits. that is how we do things. i do not see the universe as having been created by a higher intelligence but as having come into existence by impetus - that impetus being desire and that desire is not a thought that has resulted from a being, but is the fundamental that brings the universe/the spirits, to presence.
it is easy for those that have different points of view and or an awareness of mental health study, information, etc to disagree or even suspect that my thinking is delusional thinking, (i am always open to other beliefs and even suggestions about me), but i think that taking a deeper look into what i believe one can come to realize that delusion is in the eye of the beholder since our existence here may very well turn out to be an illusion. “reality”, illusion and delusion may very well be the same thing. rationality may be based on misinformation, wrong information or apparent information when no adequate information happens to be available at a given moment.