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No future perspective and trust

Hello, it’s been a while since I posted here or even access this forum. There’s so much happening, but today I’m feeling at my limit and I need to talk to come one and put it out or I’m going explode.

I thought about talking about it with some friends but I notice that I don’t feel like trusting them that much, and it’s not like they aren’t good people, they’re cool, but I feel a bit scared of what they gonna tell me, if they gonna judge me or don’t take my feelings seriously. But I really need to talk about something I’m going through.

I used to go to art college some years ago, and I really liked it, but due to COVID and my anxiety (that got worse at that time) I dropped out. Time passed, I couldn’t find a job, and the ones I got it, they didn’t even gave me a chance to try (they fired me with like two days working, and I didn’t made any horrible mistakes, but that’s for another post). So I’ve been unemployed for a while, I only do some freelance art related sometimes, and that means I get a lot of pressure from my family, and I feel really guilty.
Because of that guilty, I started another graduation, cause my family always says I need to graduate at something. The thing is, this course I’m taking isn’t what I thought it was, and I really hated it, I’m half way through it, but I it’s been hard to finish the extra activities and obligatory internship (cause I can’t find anywhere hiring for internships). And I really dislike this course, I’m doing everything mediocre and I really feel like I’m not gonna be able to graduate. But the thing is, if I stop now, I know my family will get really angry and disappointed, and I’m really scared of that. So, I don’t know what to do and who to talk about it. I also feel like so unmotivated to do anything, like I don’t have energy even to get out of bed, how am I supposed to live like everyone else? What should I do?
I'm sorry that you're going through this.

Does your school have an academic counselor or a career counselor?

If you don't like your current course, is there some other that you think you're like better?
Unfortunately there is no counselor in the university and since it’s a mostly online course it’s even hard for me to really get in touch of anyone there.

I honestly don’t know what to do about it anymore. I feel like I’m getting to old to try something else even if I’m actually not that old. There are things that I like better, but I don’t have the money to keep spending on courses and those things.
If in an absolute sense you can't pay for new courses, then it's not an option (unless there is some form of financial aid). If there's a course that you're pretty sure that you'll like better, it may be better to pursue that just because if you hate what you're doing now it's probably going to be a problem for a long time.

As long as you can find work in the new field, it sounds like it would be a better option.

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