I have officially had enough and my fluffy, rose-tinted feelings about humanity are finally completely gone. People, ALL people, are messy, stupid, arrogant, self-obsessed, narcissistic, reckless, barely functional cretins bumbling through life by bumping off of each other and whatever other surface they are too dumb to avoid (which is all of them) and the only way we have made any progress from the poo flinging stage is by the virtue of there being enough of us bumbling around that one of our vast number will occasionally do something smart by accident. We are each brought to sentience by whichever bumbling idiot forgot to use protection this week with the wise and considered method of throwing ideas at a lump of screaming flesh and seeing what sticks by trial and error, and we only barely manage to elevate ourselves from this most undignified and ridiculous of beginnings throughout our entire lives.
I am no exception to this mass of morons, just to get myself to do what I already want to do I have to employ psychology (noun, the vague generalising guesswork of 1 group of idiots trying to predict the workings of a 2nd group of idiots), musical cues, alternating schedules, numerous digital alarms and hollow self-ultimatums, and that’s just to convince myself to make myself food! People are a broken mess of biological, chemical and electrical reactions which just about barely ape something approaching sapience, and I am so bloody tired of dealing with the lot of them, myself included. I am genuinely becoming disgusted at how predictable and strangely inescapable my own dysfunctional thought and behaviour patterns are, and they are still more ordered than many of those around me because most people aren’t even aware of how shit they are and end up acting on whatever impulse jumps into their mushy brains rather than making any attempt to coax and beg their minds into something which may one day be worthy of aspiring to becoming “intelligence”.
Everything and everyone around me is so damned predictable, so damned moronic and yet entirely unalterable (myself included) and its like no one can even see it! Its MADDENING! I had an argument today with a guy who tried to make the point that though he agreed my boss was being unreasonable, him being unreasonable was reasonable because he… nope, I'm gonna stop that right there, there is no "because" worth a damn in this case because being unreasonable is by definition NOT being reasonable, it is a contradiction to be reasonably unreasonable! Though what should I expect from an IT guy who tried to WASH a motherboard! and you know the worst part? He is, on the whole, above average as a member of the macroscopic virus called the human race.
I am no exception to this mass of morons, just to get myself to do what I already want to do I have to employ psychology (noun, the vague generalising guesswork of 1 group of idiots trying to predict the workings of a 2nd group of idiots), musical cues, alternating schedules, numerous digital alarms and hollow self-ultimatums, and that’s just to convince myself to make myself food! People are a broken mess of biological, chemical and electrical reactions which just about barely ape something approaching sapience, and I am so bloody tired of dealing with the lot of them, myself included. I am genuinely becoming disgusted at how predictable and strangely inescapable my own dysfunctional thought and behaviour patterns are, and they are still more ordered than many of those around me because most people aren’t even aware of how shit they are and end up acting on whatever impulse jumps into their mushy brains rather than making any attempt to coax and beg their minds into something which may one day be worthy of aspiring to becoming “intelligence”.
Everything and everyone around me is so damned predictable, so damned moronic and yet entirely unalterable (myself included) and its like no one can even see it! Its MADDENING! I had an argument today with a guy who tried to make the point that though he agreed my boss was being unreasonable, him being unreasonable was reasonable because he… nope, I'm gonna stop that right there, there is no "because" worth a damn in this case because being unreasonable is by definition NOT being reasonable, it is a contradiction to be reasonably unreasonable! Though what should I expect from an IT guy who tried to WASH a motherboard! and you know the worst part? He is, on the whole, above average as a member of the macroscopic virus called the human race.
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