Post your *petty* complaint here

I just found out the three month gym thing I got, they inputed it into the system so it was annually. I haven’t even been here for the past 6 months and they’ve been charging me 50 every month.
Check ur bank statement kids.


I know the world turns and it will turn on me
SF Supporter
I can't hear someone sing "Wake me up before you go-go" without finishing it as "Who needs Bale when you've got Sissoko"


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
Safety & Support
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Being rang three times in quick succession by the same cold calling fucker and on the fourth, letting rip with a volley of my finest selection of verbal abuse only to realise it was one of my uncles on the other end of the line. Well isn't that all fuckity dandy?
Do you speak before the caller does? *hysterical*hysterical*hysterical


I know the world turns and it will turn on me
SF Supporter
-Guy at the pub kept saying "Go Spurs" instead of "Come on you Spurs". My sister says that sometimes when I text her about games, but she's not really into it too much so I haven't bothered to say anything. It just sounds wrong.
-The bus I took home displayed the wrong route number/letter and I didn't know until it turned earlier than it would have had it been the route I thought it was.

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