Ten True Confessions

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10 - I hate getting my hair cut, makes me go all funny inside, ewww i hate it lol

9 - Hate dentist's

8 - Have a fear of sea water and sharks

7 - I never intend to watch the film The Wizard of Oz again (was scared by it as a little girl lol now i REFUSE to watch it!)

6 - I now get scared of what i might do when on my way to college

5 - I don't particularly like horror films

4 - I'm an adrenalin junkie

3 - I dis like (put politely) my dad and brother with a passion

2 - I feel like giving up my attempted to stop self harming

1 - I've cried myself to sleep more times than i care to remember

Sa Palomera

Well-Known Member
1. I tend to idolize people with bad habbits

2. Secretly, deep inside i do not want to get any help, I just want to die

3. Very often I act as if I'm ok, even if I'm not. I even do that on here.

4. I'm always doing worse than I pretend to be doing.

5. I hate the way my arm looks cos of the selfharming, but at the same time, deep inside I love the way it looks.

6. I will always love her, no matter how hard I try to forget

7. I think I'll die at the same age my mum and her mum died. 33years old

8. That's also why I dont want any kids. I dont wanna put them through what I've been through and after 35 I dont want any children anymore

9. I love girls more than boys.

10. I am disgusted by myself
I've got too many reservations to do this; too much I don't want people to know.

However, I must give one confession:

I love the smell of laundry detergent. I can spend a good while just smelling newly-washed clothing. :unsure:

10. I wish I was old enough to move out of home
9. I've seriously considered running away from home
8. I've wagged a lot more school than my parents, friends and teachers care to know, even though at some points school is the only normal and stable thing I actually HAVE
7. I dont think I could survive without a pen and paper
6. I really really want some degree of normalcy at home - normalcy that can be called normal I mean
5. I hate summer heat
4. Even though I'm so tired of school... I dont want it to end, because its yet another reason to not stay at home.
3.I ALMOST wish my Dad didnt exist... but I dont think I'd ever forgive myself if he carries through with some of his threats
2. I absolutely REFUSE to go swimming... ever again
1. I'm not coping... :unsure:
I am new to this site but found SF informative and lots of friendships in the air.Thank God they are still caring people around who can share life's up and down.

1) I enjoy meeting new friends and confessed having the ability to talk.
2) I love to learn how to play piano someday.
3) I enjoy work a lot - workerholic?
4) I am in a chanllenging relatioship at the moment but learning how to deal.
5) I belief anything is possible in life if one focus on the task.
6) I want to lead a simpler life with lots of freedoms.
7) I tell white lie sometimes.
8) I have temper but trying to control it.
9) I hate to be controlled by my partner.
10) Life sucks sometimes.
10. i`m more afraid of the future than anything.
9. i can`t go to sleep without taking at least 4 tylonal pms.
8. i smoke and only 3 people know :rolleyes:
7. i`ve never had a real kiss.
6. i wish my mom would stop taking pills
5. i wish my dad didn`t work so much.
4. i wish i wasnt so poor.
3. ive walked out of school many times and my parents dont know.
2. i`m completly OBSSESD with the band Green Day.
1. i hate shutting people out but i`m too scared to let them in.


Well-Known Member
10. Ive had an internet love before
9. I cant go a week without SF
8. Im a SPONGE
7. I love but hate scary movies
6. I used to hurt little kids when i was little (like 4) because i wanted to hug them and make them feel better.
5. Sometimes SF makes me worse
4. I had sex when I was 12 years old.
3. I love my scars and marks on my arm
2. Iv gotten with a random before
1. Iv attempted suicide without giving it a thought.


1.I still love her although she has hurt me so many times that I lost counting...Now I pretend she gets on my nerves and I say that I want to get away from her for good(but I dont mean it cause I know I will suffer more if it happens)

2.I hate my job,I really do...I cant stand the hours there and my co-workers...when I listen to rock music I fantasize about getting in the office with a gun and killing all of them

3.There are days I cannot look myself in the mirror because I am afraid I will start crying so I avoid it all day long

4.I really want to visit a psychologist but I dont think my environment would like it and I dont want them to know I have psychological problems cause I know that they wont understand

5.I was in love with my best friend in my last year at school and I run away from her when she told me she was going out with some new girls and that a boy hit on her(I got jealous I wasnt the source of her happiness)...I regret about it every day,I wish I had told her how I felt but I know she hates me now

6.I try not to bond with anyone cause I am afraid they will hurt eventually-I am not the cold bitch everyone believes I am,I can love deeply if I let myself to

7.I say I wait for the weekend all week to go outwith friends and dont have to work but deep down I hate weekends cause I have the time to think about me and my life-I think my most depressing moments are during the weekends

8.I have panic attacks-Sometimes I just feel a strong urge to start running and never stop running

9.I cut my arms since 2000 and I must say it really helps me

10.I KNOW i was never loved by anyone(except for my family) and my worst fear is that I will never feel how it is to be loved by someone
10) I fear deep down inside that I won't make it, and I am a bad person.

9) I don't want my scars, but at the same time I want them to remain, to remind me of mt mistakes so they don't happen again.

8) I am very self conscious and when I look in the mirror, I just see a blank lost person who I don't know who is, like it's not me. :unsure:

7) I take nearly 99% of what people say to the heart.

6) I get so upset and in pain that I wanna just say my goodbyes and disappear into nothing... dust..air..something..

5) I have feelings for someone I can't have.

4) I would rather be around a house full of animals then most people at all.

3) I sometimes am more afraid of living then dying.

2) I feel like I don't matter to anyone at all.

1) I am very sentimental...

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Active Member
1. I was dreaming of having sex with a man

2. I went few times to gay bars

3. I once slept with a hooker without a condom

4. I hate my father

5. I spent my teen years in front of tv and computer

6. I will probably soon kill myself

7. I quit taking drugs 3 months ago

8. I don't have true friends

9. I'm a loser

10. I once broke into local store

Sa Palomera

Well-Known Member
1. SF means a lot to me, yet it sometimes makes me worse

2. I never thought I could hate someone as much as I hate a certain person I met here.

3. I dont see the point in anything anymore

4. I don't love my father and his wife the way I should

5. I'm a big mess of confusion if it comes to love these days

6. I have a dream, but knowing I'll never be able to make it come true, is slowly killing me, day by day, until that one day I can't bare it anymore

7. I haven't visited my mothers grave for over 6 months now.

8. I always took my grandpa for granted, eventhough he was the only grandparent I've ever had. :cry:

9. I always loose my friends, cos I tend to push them away when I'm down, cos I feel like I shouldnt bother them with my stupid depression.

10. So far I've always been too much of a chicken to really commit suicide, but I'm scared that one day, soon, I'll snap and just do it without giving it any thought
9. I always loose my friends, cos I tend to push them away when I'm down, cos I feel like I shouldnt bother them with my stupid depression.

10. So far I've always been too much of a chicken to really commit suicide, but I'm scared that one day, soon, I'll snap and just do it without giving it any thought
Hun your not gonna lose me and you know that, and anything you say doesn't bother me, what bothers me is when you shut me out when i know somethings wrong.

And i really hope you dont just snap and do something like that, im here for you and allways will be :cheekkiss

Love you x
another 10 *sigh*

10 - people tend to think im strong when im really not

9 - i tell people im ok when im really not

8 - i never told anyone about part of my past until i wrote it in a thread to day
7 - apart of me thinks i deserve to die

6 - i secretly dont want to stop self harming it makes me feel who i believe myself to be

5 - i hate the scars on my arms but still have the urge to self harm

4 - if someone i loved died i would have to die aswell

3 - i sometimes headbang when upset or angry

2 - i have strangled myself in the past, more recently than i should admit to anyone :sad:

1 - i have the urge to self harm now :sad:
11 - I hang around here too much :laugh:

10 - I love the taste of Sprite

9 - I wish I lived north of where I do currently

8 - I now, since my trip to Lille, hate coach drivers

7 - I often get engrossed in a task, to the exclusion of everything else around me

6 - I had numerous things wrong with me when I was a baby, and I'm still here :)cheer: maybe? :tongue: )

5 - I love the feeling of silk clothes

4 - I am a idealistic romantic :tongue: Rose petals and candles etc .... :tongue:

3 - I often sing outloud when no-one is listening and around

2 - I am so happy right now in life :smile:

1 - I have never felt this way before about anyone :shy:
Ten more confessions because I thought I'd do some before the New Year, and also because I was asked to :laugh:

10. The thought that I might have inherited Polycystic Kidney Disease (Adult PKD...aka APKD if you want to look it up for some insane reason :laugh: ) from my mother used to terrify me. Now I don't really care, to be honest. She's known she's had it for years and she's still ok.

9. I love onions. It may not be sexy, but I love them.

8. I like a lot of music people term "sad". But if you were to look at my music collection, I pretty much guarantee that there will be something there you will like. I'm a something-for-everyone kinda gal.

7. Sometimes, like most females, I think I'm too fat. But when I look at too-thin people like Nicole Richie and Kate Moss I know I'd much rather be me than them.

6. Sometimes I think my parents treat me unfairly, particularly when other people say that, but sometimes I think I deserve it all.

5. I'm an only child, and I don't think I'd do very well if I had siblings.

4. I can be a bit demanding. Probably as a result of being an only child.

3. I am better at word puzzles than almost anyone I know, probably because I love words so much. This annoys them if we do them together though, because I keep telling them the answers.

2. I think I did some of the things I did that made me be nicknamed the Forum Slut because they make me feel powerful.

1. Neither have I.


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
Moon, my mum had polycistic kidney disease. They removed the one that had so many cysts it rotted. She has lived happily with one the last 50 years.

Sa Palomera

Well-Known Member
1. I tend to drive way too fast. (like on the highway , where 120km/h is allowed I tend to go 150 and on this one road in particular, 50km/h is allowed and I usually drive around at like 130km/h)

2. I have secrets which nobody will ever know about

3. I like certain people more than they know

4. it hurts so much to see my friends hurting themselves and me being unable to help

5. I can't stop lying about how I feel, just because I dont want people to worry

6. somewhere inside I dont want to get better

7. I am addicted to alcohol and hash but dont see the need of stopping with it.

8. Im scared that I'll never be able to fully give myself to someone

9. I am guilty

10. I should have picked that darn phone up
10 - My heart feels like its been torn to bits

9 - I loved you

8 - Right now i wanna die

7 - I never truely told you how i felt because words couldn't describe

6 - I messed this situation up just like before

5 - I liked you alot more than you know

4 - I hate being lied to

3 - I tried strangling myself a few days ago and a few mins ago to let my anger out

2 - I'm scared to go into the train station in a few hours

1 - I feel guilty
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Active Member
10 - I lied to my long term partner about the affair I was having (told her I wasn't)

9 - I hurt her really badly

8 - I didn't have the courage to be honest and break up (I was scared)

7 - I am scared of getting a shit job now because it might mean I get stuck in it for a long time being unhappy

6 - I'm scared that my new relationship might not work out - that my old partner was right a out me all along and that I will fuck it all up

5 - I know that me and me and my partner are going to be happy, but at the expense of my parnter and perhaps her family (that makes me feel really really shitty)

4 - Considering that I'm homeless, jobless, incomeless and only have one black bin bag of clothes - I'm surprisingly ok.

3 - I'm relieved that people found out about the affair as it was becoming a real struggle to carry on lying and beind deceitful.

2 - I feel bad that I've fallen in love with someone and lost so many friends over it - I didn't mean to fall in love with her, I wasn't looking for an affair or new relationship - it really did just happen that I knew one day I was deeply in love with her.

1 - Christmas used to be something I really loved and looked forward to. but this year i'm dreading it. Not sure where I'll be living, whether I can spend it with my new lady or not. I won't get to see my dogs. I miss my old partner a lot (don't want to have a relationship with her, but miss her friendship). and as I have literally, no money, can't buy any presents. :sad:


Well-Known Member
more for me....

1. I'm a football player, a rather sucsessful one as well. I got the highest honor at the awards banquet... now who should be banned? lol
2. I honestly don't know what sexuality group I belong to.
3. I was a really dedicated Christian before I stopped believing in god.
4. I'm about 5'7'' or 5'8'' and 158 pounds.
5. My favorite NFL team is Tampa Bay, even though their at a pitiful 3 - 10...
6. I usually masturbate everyday. :biggrin:
7. I love hitting people, even though I won't admit it. Not a in a murderous sort of way though.
8. I am obsessed with writing.
9. Family Guy is my favorite TV show.
10. I don't think President Bush is horrible.
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