• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. dying_inside

    Ideas & Opinions What is supposed to help?

    Im currently IP after an attempt. After a few days of comatose state, i started feeling more myself, but all that happened IP was talking about my history (current psych and pdoc are on vacation), getting more meds, some visits from mom and all the rest is pure boredom. How are they supposed to...
  2. Dante

    I swear I used to be smarter.

    I was a very smart kid, I got good grades without studying, without trying, I picked up skills easily enough, at 17 I opened my text book for the first time the night before the exam, and I passed that exam easily enough, then I got to university, I studied Maths and Programming, and in my first...
  3. C

    How do you deal with having no friends?

    I got back from a 3 day comic con yesterday and it dawned on my how most of my fellow nerds there had friends and significant others. Basically all I have is my cousin and mother and those don’t count as friends in my opinion. It just sucks coming home and realizing how very alone I really am...
  4. Zi Phosterage

    Hello and goodnight :)

    I have not much to say, I feel diennand all but I would rather try and make someone a little but better.... I myself feel superfluous a expense to those around me, and right now I am in a bot so good condition economical and have very few friends (if at all)/ let's just say people to talk with...
  5. C

    Lonely and bored

    Ok so I'm 22 and I can't work because of my mental problems, which is fine but I noticed how boring and lonely I get just sitting at home. I don't drive and I'm working on getting a license but even if I did drive there's nowhere fun to really go. I've been really sad about the loneliness and...