Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
So my depression has been getting in the way of my job (I work at a preschool, where my energy levels need to basically be through the roof and my mood needs to be stable and healthy). My boss noticed and gave me a few days of “grievance leave” and sent me some resources for affordable treatment...
i always say when I'm skinny or lose more weight I will get help and go to therapy because I don't deserve to get help if I'm fat. I don't deserve to get better because I have never attempted suicide (I want to kill myself but I'm a fucking pussy) and am not depressed or suicidal enough. I don't...
I surveyed the internet for people with a similar problem as mine and the resounding response I've seen (not on this site) is that the OP is seeking attention. They reason that since it's pathological, basically the main reason for posting would be sympathy seeking, since any decision to put...
No matter what I do I feel like a failure.
I've had an eating disorder for a while now and whenever I eat I feel like I'm a failure, but whenever I don't eat I feel like I'm letting down my friends when they tell me I should eat. They tell me I'm really skinny but I just don't see it. To me, I...
Today was back to school after 2 weeks off, most people just hate going back because of learning, but its different with me. I'm scared to walk the halls without being pushed over or insulted, I'm scared to put my hand up in lessons for fear of being wrong and being made fun of, I'm scared to be...
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