• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. E

    A little update. Been a while since I was last here :)

    Honestly, I didn't know I had this account. I was just clearing out my email and I stumbled upon the sign-up email from 2017(?). It's crazy thought honestly. I'm just surprised, and happy, that younger me searched for help and all. A lot about me has changed since then, but I'll do my best to...
  2. Auri

    Jim's Café - 13th of September

    Hello, good morning, good evening, SF folk! *stars How are you doing today? Like or dislike Mondays? I hope it's a good one for you! I won't be too long, I just got inspired by some of today's celebrations around the world : 1. Fortune Cookie Day : What's your word of wisdom of the day? Write...
  3. CoffeeArtist

    I'm healing

    I'm coming back on this forum after more than two years, only to share with you all this fact: things get better. The sun shines again. Daylight rushes in again. Flowers bloom again, and people smile again. This might seem like some kind of poetic cliche stuff, but trust me, situations change...
  4. Dante

    Jim's Cafe 20/03/21

    I had a rather tough week this last week, I just couldn't get out of a serious funk following a night of bad decisions and alcohol, but.... IM BACK BABY!!! *stars And just in time for International Happiness Day! So sit back, try to think happy thoughts, and welcome to Jim's Cafe! In the Spirit...
  5. Dante

    Happiness isnt worth the risk

    I have started to notice a trend, for the most part I am more or less OK, trudging along and managing fine, but occasionally I get my hopes up, I cheer up a little and people sometimes even comment on how happy I am and how its good to see, and then I find out just how fragile that happiness is...
  6. Snake on the Moon

    Pushing people away, because I'm not a counsellor

    When shit hits the fan it's easier for me to just throw people out of my life. I know this isn't proper, but I don't know what else to do. I really need support in my life right now, and I'm sick of others throwing their problems on top of mine. I can barely manage the weight of my own...