• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. A


    What are your guys thoughts on NEETS? for those who don't know NEET is an acronym from The UK. it stands for Not In Employment Education Or Training it refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training. I have been a NEET for 5 years now i used to go outside...
  2. Freyja

    "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Help with interviews.

    Hello everyone. Not sure if I should post this here or in the « I have a question » section. I’ve been having a lot of dilemmas recently and I may go job hunting again later this year. Like most people, I assume, I hate interviews, and I hate even more the fact that in my field it takes between...
  3. Verity Clarke

    Should I continue with my work trial?

    I have a 2 week work trial that seems ok. It isnt going to pay much, it's £21k a year. I doubt ill be able to save any money with the cost of living in London. I got scammed about an air b'n'b rental place which has put me out £1305. I'm now living in hotels and I've nearly run out of savings...
  4. Depressed in SF

    Quitting my job (ever done it?)

    I work for one of the most prestigious companies in the world. I have a very important job and make a lot of money...............and I'm totally miserable. Every morning when its time to face the day, I have a panic attack and want to puke. I feel like a failure and I'm full of shame...but I...
  5. T

    Expectations and Handling Life Failures After an Attempt

    Hello, I just joined and am seeking information and help. My son attempted suicide a week ago. He is in the hospital right now getting good care and and making progress. One of the things his doctor emphasized early in his stay at the hospital was a strategy for living and motivations. My son...
  6. cat383

    Man, I messed up...

    So last week, I got sick. Just miserably sick. Couldn't move without nausea. Finally sucked it up and did the big girl thing and went to the urgent care. Urgent care goes nuts and thinks it's a "sustained appendicitis" (not a thing, btw) and rushes me off to the ER. I was feeling so yucky, and...
  7. Jack D

    Finding a job after university

    I've noticed that this sub-forum hasn't gotten an awful lot of content at this moment in time, so I thought it would be beneficial to a lot of people if I talked about an issue that I, and I'm sure plenty of other people are facing. Im still in my second year of university, on a three-year...
  8. Rockclimbinggirl

    I got a job

    I got a part-time job. :)
  9. Misty S.

    Need a job. Can't get a job. Can't deal.

    I'm 20 and never had a job. The entirety of the time I've been with my bf, I haven't been making money. He did help me once get a job at the restaurant where he used to work but they let me go after a month (they even had me work new year's eve) and I only ever received one paycheck worth $35...